Best 8 quotes of Brittany Cavallaro on MyQuotes

Brittany Cavallaro

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    Brittany Cavallaro

    dicere quae puduit, scribere jussit amor

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    Brittany Cavallaro

    I don't cry, as a rule. Nothing good comes out of fighting, i'll give you that, but crying? For a moment, you might feel a touch of release, but for me that's always been followed hard by waves of shame, and helplessness. I hate feeling helpless. I'll do anything to avoid it. - Watson, Jamie pg. 49-50

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    Brittany Cavallaro

    I have a rainy-day fund, you know," she said, not quite looking at me. "Until recently, it was raining...rather a lot. But I...I've been trying to use an umbrella.

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    Brittany Cavallaro

    I was maybe the only person to ever have his imaginary friend made real.

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    Brittany Cavallaro

    She smiled at me, that one particular smile I hardly ever saw, the one that could open padlocks, Yale locks, bank vaults, the one that was a trapdoor down into everything.

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    Brittany Cavallaro

    She was altogether colorless and severe, and still she managed to be beautiful. Not the way that girls are generally beautiful, but more like the way a knife catches the light, makes you want to take it in your hands.

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    Brittany Cavallaro

    Truth be told, I liked that blurriness. That line where reality and fiction jutted up against each other.

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    Brittany Cavallaro

    You think you’re defending my ‘honor,’ but you’re just as bad as he is.