Best 3 quotes of Goh Keng Swee on MyQuotes

Goh Keng Swee

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    Goh Keng Swee

    The only way to avoid making mistakes is not to do anything. And that will be the ultimate mistake.

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    Goh Keng Swee

    Academics place much more importance on rigorous logic. There is also admiration in the profession for subtle reasoning. And mastery of the craft shows itself in the elegance of the intellectual super-structure…. The practitioner, on the other hand, uses economic theory only to the extent that he finds it useful in comprehending the problem at hand, so that practical courses of action will emerge which can be evaluated not merely in narrow economic cost-benefit terms, but by taking into account a wider range of considerations…. A practitioner is not judged by the rigour of his logic or by the elegance of his presentation. He is judged by results.

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    Goh Keng Swee

    The serene confidence with which Western journalists and liberal academics prescribe solutions to our [Singapore's] problems is a source of constant wonder to us.