Best 10 quotes of Tom Golway on MyQuotes

Tom Golway

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    Tom Golway

    Agility and transformation isn't restricted to private industry. Governments need to transform maintain relevance to the rapid pace of change.

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    Tom Golway

    Attempting to manage ethics in the hyperconnected world through legislation only creates an environment that encourages the rationalization of the negative impact of the behavior and limits it to selective areas where there is no personal connection.

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    Tom Golway

    Blockchain by itself isn't transformational, however it is foundational. As a foundational innovation, Blockchain's value can only be fully realized when the business process is transformed to take advantage of its capabilities, leading to ROI for existing business models and the ability to create value through new ones.

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    Tom Golway

    Innovation has always been a catalyst of economic creative destruction, triggering the extinction of certain types of jobs while fostering the genesis of new types of jobs with new types of skills.

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    Tom Golway

    It is becoming more difficult to find differentiated information on the Internet. Likewise it is becoming more difficult to contribute meaningful input because of the tendency of people only hearing recognizable voices. As this plays out, we will see more fracturing of society with people only hearing siloed information without an intelligent contrary view to provide balance.

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    Tom Golway

    Politicians and celebrities seem to exert a disproportionate amount of influence on the average citizen. If each of us use our own ability to positively influence the people around us time will erode any negative influence and our actions will amplify the positive.

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    Tom Golway

    The deeper, philosophical question is does the 1st Amendment apply to AI algorithms. Resolving this is an immediate challenge that needs open dialogue that includes a broad set of disciplines, not just technologists

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    Tom Golway

    The everyday actions of average citizens have a greater impact on society than any politician. Unfortunately politicians exert a disproportionate amount of influence on the actions of the average citizen. If we all use our own ability to positively influence the people around us, time will erode the negative impact of any politician.

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    Tom Golway

    There is a current perception is that science has overtaken Philosophy and in effect rendered Philosophy irrelevant. Science, when sufficiently abstracted, approaches Philosophy in seeking questions we are unaware exist, though from a direction that is based on current measurable knowledge. Philosophy should approach the undiscovered without relying on our current perception of baseline knowledge. Unfortunately, Philosophy has lost significant respect as a critical component of progress and as such has become virtually stagnant with very few significant big ideas or thinkers.

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    Tom Golway

    Without transforming the business process, Blockchain only offers the potential of incremental value in reducing TCO.