Best 23 quotes of Jasna Horvat on MyQuotes

Jasna Horvat

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    Jasna Horvat

    Govore mi da sam mlada i da ću događanja prihvatiti kad odrastem.

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    Jasna Horvat

    If silence is a lie, then I have lied as well.

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    Jasna Horvat

    I myself was passionate about games and contests... I wanted to be the first in translation, wandering and writing.

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    Jasna Horvat

    In the square field of the game he has found the ground mirror of the circular plan of the heavenly sphere. Through play, he was becoming aware of the crux gemmata – the sign of Christ, and he created the letters of the Glagolitic script, and turned the trinitarian game into a tetragonic one. He had made the Glagolitic script, a game of four gospels in which the symbol of Christ’s name is placed. The Glagolitic is his game with three marbles – one for each of the messengers of the good news.

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    Jasna Horvat

    I put together letters, I formed words, I spoke.

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    Jasna Horvat

    I will return to the books... Constantine is right; books are more merciful towards each other than people.

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    Jasna Horvat

    Moja maštovitost zakazala je zbog nedostatka hrabrosti.

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    Jasna Horvat

    Moja putanja spiralnog je oblika i život je postupno odmata. Sudjelujem, svakodnevno gubim ponešto slobode, umaram glasnice, ali uspjet ću već zbog toga što nisam motiviran koristoljubljem.

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    Jasna Horvat

    Najveću vrijednost imaju neizreciva znanja, ali još uvijek se nadam, ako ispišem podosta toga, i ona će se nazrijeti negdje između redova.

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    Jasna Horvat

    Noć je bila od onih u kojima se usamljenost čini kao nesvladiva daljina.

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    Jasna Horvat

    Samoća je ugodna, ali krivi sliku o svemu što nas okružuje.

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    Jasna Horvat

    Tada sam počeo postavljati pitanja o tome što je volja, gdje je duša, čime se hrani misao i je li i ona, misao, također imenica iz skupine mislenih imenica, mogu li glagoli napadati, a ako mogu, jesu li predmet njihova napada moje misli ili moji organi..., i na koncu, ako mogu zamisliti svoje unutarnje organe, jesu li tada po postanku organi ispred misli ili je misao ta koja proizvodi moje tijelo?

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    Jasna Horvat

    The last thing I want to give to the Great Master is a wooden plate inscribed with the word million . This word has been created all these years of my service with the Great Khan. Recounting to the Great Khan about his Great Empire I lacked a word which would at the same time represent a number, and yet so big to stand for the countless values of his Great Empire.

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    Jasna Horvat

    The map of the world is drawn by travelers and nomads. Built into it are steps, nights and days, stations and encounters.

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    Jasna Horvat

    The only thing that I am sure of is that we are mysteries to others, as much as to ourselves.

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    Jasna Horvat

    There was He, there was She, they become It.

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    Jasna Horvat

    There was no doubt, the world is orbis quadratus, mundus quadratus, and its balance rests on the number four – a symbol of firmness, order and legality.

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    Jasna Horvat

    They believed that the very name Croat comes from the word mountain (gora)... They were competing in the reading of the Bible and the chapters in which their name was mentioned: Isa 10, 29; Isa 10, 31; Ezek 27, 9; Ps 83, 8.

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    Jasna Horvat

    What would I wish for the one who is mine? I would wish him a good, knowledgeable sense, a resilient gut, and the capability for survival. Wrong... it is not enough just to survive... To the one who is mine, I would also wish faith that will renew and heal him from the pains of existence.

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    Jasna Horvat

    Wild animals, that is what we are, John. You believe in man and his laws, and laws would not be necessary if we were not wild animals. Look at my cat, he does not attack you, even though you have desecrated his territory. We men, we are wild. Rabid and petulant... In a rabid dog too, one can see only – a short life.

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    Jasna Horvat

    With symbols you have connected the two worlds, the visible and the invisible.

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    Jasna Horvat

    You began the letter with the form of the cross, and the sound “A,” a symbol of a man and a Christian. With the first nine letters you said that it is good to live honorably in this world. Your signs are letters. Your letters are numbers. Your letters are also symbols.

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    Jasna Horvat

    Your letters are birds. Caught in your net, stirred from their flight... Their wings are our written down speech. Landing and takeoff is conducted according to the rules. The rules you call grammar, but it is nothing other than geometry.