Best 151 quotes of Elizabeth Warren on MyQuotes

Elizabeth Warren

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Accountability for the largest financial institutions on Wall Street is the bedrock for a strong economy. Hard-working families and honest businesses cannot survive in a world where the rules don’t keep the marketplace honest.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Adjusted for inflation, somebody going to college today to a state university, is paying about 300 percent of what her mom or dad did just 30 years ago.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    All three [of my grandkids] earn money around the house, and all three spend their own money. Now I've noticed that when they have to spend their own money on birthday cards, they have decided that homemade cards are so much nicer.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    A lot of people think that regulations bring higher costs, but regulation is also about making sure that someone doesn't get to beat out the competition because they're dumping filth in the river or spewing poisons in the air.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Americans are fighters. We're tough, resourceful and creative, and if we have the chance to fight on a level playing field, where everyone pays a fair share and everyone has a real shot, then no one - no one can stop us.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Americans understand that the game is rigged, and they've had enough of it. They're ready to fight back. They want a Washington that works for them, i think that people are getting more engaged, politically, and they're seeing through a lot of the rhetoric that politicians have been throwing out there for a long time. They want to see some real change, and I think that's what we need to work on.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Are you ready to fight for good jobs and and a solid level playing field? Are you ready to prove to another generation of Americans that we can build a better country and a newer world? Joe Biden is ready. Barack Obama is ready. I am ready. You're ready.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    As a Democrat, one of the things that frustrates me the most is there are a lot of times we just don't get in the fight. We ask pretty please if we can have things or we make the argument for why it is the best thing to do, and then wait patiently for the other side to agree to come along. We negotiate. We start our opening position by negotiating.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Balancing your money is the key to having enough.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Barack Obama heard the American people.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Being Native American has been part of my story I guess since the day I was born.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Big banks churn out page after page of incomprehensible fine print to obscure the cost and risks of checking accounts, credit cards, mortgages and other financial products. The result is that consumers can't make direct product comparisons, markets aren't competitive, and costs are higher. If the playing field is leveled and the broken market fixed, a lot more money will stay in the pockets of millions of hard-working families. That's real stimulus - money to families, without increasing our national debt.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Both [of my granddaughters] Octavia and Lavinia have May birthdays. I've just been birthday shopping with them. But the shopping has a budget. I say, "Okay, if you pick this out, then you'll have how much left?" I wait for them to do the calculation, and they'll say, "$18." And we stand there and talk about, hmm, is that sweater really worth that much? And the girls work it through.Doing that takes away some of the magic of money.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Cars, toys, aspirin, meat, toasters, water - nearly every product sold has passed basic safety regulations well in advance of being marketed and sold. But consumer credit is a kind of buyer-beware, wild west. That is partly the result of history.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    College students today are drowning in debt, and it is hurting them and hurting our economy. We must find a way to help families pay for college without condemning them to a lifetime of indebtedness.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Congress must go further to protect the right to privacy, to end the NSA's dragnet surveillance of ordinary Americans, to make the intelligence community more transparent and accountable.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Credit cards are like snakes: Handle 'em long enough, and one will bite you.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Donald Trump cannot, cannot be the man who leads the United States of America.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Donald Trump doesn't care who gets hurt, as long as he makes a profit off it.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Donald Trump is a genuine threat to America.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Donald Trump is a person who is an insecure money-grubber who cares about nothing but himself.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Donald Trump is a threat to who we are as a people.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Evidently there is no need for delay, no need for further study, if the government takes a loss and Wall Street makes a profit, but it is absolutely necessary to delay if homeowners might have a chance to cut their mortgages and stay in their homes. This is wrong, and it is time to fight back!

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Get out of debt. In a world of stagnant incomes and rising core expenses like mortgage and health care costs, that's a lot easier said than done. The middle class is under enormous pressure. But families can stop the bleeding by reducing their reliance on debt wherever they can. They can also start fighting back by taking a hard look at whom they do business with and rethinking whether they want tricks-and-traps banks to hold their money. They can also demand that public officials take the side of families over the side of banks.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Getting straight with your money is as complicated as a trip to the grocery store: You need a comparison shop, add and subtract, stick with a plan, and ask questions- nothing more.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Get your money in balance. One rule of thumb is 50/30/20. Spend about 50% of your money on must-haves - things like rent, car payments - and about 30% on wants, while 20% should go toward savings and paying down debt.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Goals work. Pick one debt, and then put every dime into paying down that one debt. Once that debt is paid off, start paying down the next debt. Pretty soon it's time to move from paying debt to building savings.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Good for Warren Buffett that he can afford to do that! Some people, sometimes, need to finance a purchase or rent a car, and a credit card becomes a necessity.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    Hillary Clinton is a fighter, she's out there, she's tough.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I can remember riding in the car with [my daughter] Amelia, when she was very small, and we'd talk about money the same way we'd talk about sparkly shoes or what had happened at school.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I do not understand how it is that financial institutions could think that they could take taxpayer money and then turn around and act like it's business as usual. I don't understand how they can't see that the world has changed in a fundamental way, that it is not business as usual when you take taxpayer dollars.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I don't like credit cards. Let me triple underline that.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I don't like credit cards. They make overspending very easy. They can make life a lot more complex and stressful.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I don't want to overstate the gender difference. But women are more sensitized to the way that larger issues affect their pocketbooks, like pay equality or cost of living changes.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    If Scott Walker sees 100,000 teachers & firefighters as his enemies, maybe it's time we take a closer look at his friends.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    If there's any lesson I've learned in the last five years, it's don't be so sure about what lies ahead. There are amazing doors that could open.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    If you don't have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    If you have a choice between buying something and paying down your credit card, pay down your credit card.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I get heartfelt thanks from all kinds of people. Today I heard from a waitress in Georgia who has lost her job and is trying to figure out how her local bank can change the terms on her credit card, and I heard from a physicist at a major research university who wants to explain a better theory of financial stress tests.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I grew up in the Methodist church and taught Sunday school, and one of my favorite passages of scripture is, 'in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.'' Matthew 25:40.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I have a daughter and I have granddaughters and I will never vote to let a group of backward-looking ideologues cut women's access to birth control. We have lived in that world, and we are not going back, not ever

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I hear all this, you know, 'Well, this is class warfare, this is whatever.' No. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own - nobody.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I hope Hillary Clinton runs for president.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I'm going to do everything I can to help Hillary Clinton get elected and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that Donald Trump never comes within shouting distance of the White House.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I'm proud of my Native American heritage.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I'm really concerned that 'too big to fail' has become 'too big for trial'.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I'm still very connected to my family, to the world I grew up in. I understand what it means to be afraid that you can't pay a doctor's bill. Or to have to make the choice between buying a band uniform for a seventh-grader and making the insurance payment on time. That will never leave me. It was how I lived until I was well into my adult years.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I'm willing to throw my body in front of the bus to stop bad ideas.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    In a democracy, hostage tactics are the last resort for those who can’t otherwise win their fights through elections, can’t win their fights in Congress, can’t win their fights for the Presidency, and can’t win their fights in Courts. For this right-wing minority, hostage-taking is all they have left – a last gasp of those who cannot cope with the realities of our democracy.

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    Elizabeth Warren

    I once had half a cup [of coffee], twenty years ago, and I'm still working it off.