Best 3 quotes of Jean Marie Bauhaus on MyQuotes

Jean Marie Bauhaus

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    Jean Marie Bauhaus

    All of her days were full of strangeness here at the end of the world, but this day was standing out as one of the stranger ones.

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    Jean Marie Bauhaus

    Been practicing ever since I managed to tackle you. I figured there must be something to your idea about strong feelings." "Yeah. They can be hard to manufacture on demand, though." "So far I've managed okay." "Thinking about my dad usually gets it done for me. What about you? What do you think about?" He looked at me for a long moment before he said, "You." I didn't expect that answer. "Me? Really? Do I frustrate you that much?" "Kissing you," he clarified. "I think about kissing you." Oh. "Oh. Really?" I stood up and bumped into the table. It moved. Joe looked at it and smiled. "You thinking about kissing me?" "Well I am now." He got up and came toward me. "Good.

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    Jean Marie Bauhaus

    I've heard rumors that if we get too weak to give blood, they feed us to the zeds." Hannah just stared at her in horror a moment before asking, "The zeds?" "Yeah. You know, like how the Brits say the letter z? For zombie?" "Oh." "What do you call them?" Hannah thought about it a second before saying, "The scary dead things that ate my parents. But yours is catchier.