Best 5 quotes of Timur Vermes on MyQuotes

Timur Vermes

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    Timur Vermes

    He looked confused. “With your girlfriend, I mean. Who was to blame?” “I don’t know,” I said. “Ultimately Churchill, I expect.

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    Timur Vermes

    I expect you are wondering why I had not considered the possibility of unemployment. The reason being that my mind had a very different recollection of what unemployed men looked like. The jobless man I remembered from the past went out onto the street with a placard around his neck that read “Looking for any type of work”. When he’d had enough of drifting fruitlessly around in this manner, he would remove the placard, grab a red flag handed to him by a loitering Bolshevist, and return to the street.

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    Timur Vermes

    Na, mein Führer, wie war die Nacht?

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    Timur Vermes

    One must undertake everything with utter, fanatical determination. Or one will get nowhere.

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    Timur Vermes

    What irritates me most of all about these morning people is their horribly good temper, as if they have been up for three hours and already conquered France. Particularly since the vast majority of them, in spite of rising so appallingly early, have performed anything but great deeds. In Berlin I have time and again met people who make no secret of the fact that their only reason for stirring at such an ungodly hour of the morning is so that they can leave the office earlier in the afternoon. I have suggested to several of these eight-hour logicians that they ought to start work at ten o'clock at night, thereby allowing them to leave at six in the morning and perhaps even arrive home before it is time to get up. Some even took this for a serious suggestion. In my opinion, only bakers need to work early in the morning.