Best 24 quotes of Marty Bisson Milo on MyQuotes

Marty Bisson Milo

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    a think I would not be here today without the strength given by certain friendships meet to reassemble me I look at the present at this insant and very patient of day clement an exit and always in the part and life reacts to your mind positive and creative stay magical, stay true.

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    Because i am magic and,you are my precious stone.

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    Because you are beautiful that you are a beautiful radiant flower. And that you should have more than simple words Who is you, you are My Queen.Marty B.M

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    Do i look like i need something'only your smile darling, so i can keep going trough this night warmer then before.

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    For your kind heart Only.Darling this smile i Never show let make it warm your heart Marty B.M

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    meme etant jeune tu sais que javais de besoin pas le dernier ipod ou la derniere conoles.Se que Javais de besoin cetait l'amour dune mere pour son fils se que je n'est jamais resentie de ta part.

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    mon coeur cadenaser par la derniere personne aimee la cle jeter je ne peux la recuper.Car elle est trop eloigner la retrouver impossible qui pourras la trouveé car je ne ses ou elle est trop epuiser davoir chercher je ne peux continuer.

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    parce que je suis magique,Et que tu est ma pierre precieuse

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    Parce que je suis magique et que tu est ma pierre précieuse.Marty B.M

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    Parce que tu est magnifique que tu est une belle fleur radieuse.Et que tu devrais avoir plus que de simple mots Qui est tu,tu est Ma Reine.Marty B.M

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    Quand ton coeur n'est pas restructurer au maximum il peut se briser à la moindre éraflure inopiné.Même avec les meilleurs intensions en mains ses intensions peuve se transformer an désillusion.

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    Quand ton coeur n'est pas restructurer au maximum il peut se briser à la moindre éraflure inopiné.Même avec les meilleurs intensions en mains ses intensions peuve se transformer an désillusion.mon coeur cadenaser par la derniere personne aimee la cle jeter je ne peux la recuper.Car elle est trop eloigner la retrouver impossible qui pourras la trouveé car je ne ses ou elle est trop epuiser davoir chercher je ne peux continuer.

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    Stay True,Stay Magic

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    The poeticization of words I was worried now, I do not do it anymore, and the silence continues to ravage my soul I was worried now, I do not know and the silence of love continues to ravage my soul and my heart drained of emotions and the lonely road never seems to end the lightning of love continues to fail   and I stay with a heart full of burning scars   I see them in the crowd the mocking laughter the bad jokers, the worthless people who are afraid double-edged friends who stab, and slash without thinking about the consequences scars forming in the mind filled with screaming voices his stubborn voices will never leave me paralyzer adding weight to the confusion of insecurity wearing I was worried now, I do not do it anymore, and the silence continues to ravage my soul I was worried now, I do not know and the silence continues to ravage my soul the music call me night fall to deliver me in synchronicity words memorize restitution of my thinking I do not know to ask me but why is my heart still so hollow? and I can not find rest in any place he told me one day everything will be better but the weight of emotions enclose me agonize and I have to stay hidden because this world is without mercy I was worried now, I do not do it anymore, and the silence continues to ravage my soul I was worried now, I do not know and the silence of love continues to ravage my soul and I'm tearing from the inside my friends do not see it because a wall was built and the trust beat hospitalizer never got back from the fight lead lonely in a slice surround with explosions of bad intent and radiation of emotions my last companion the poeticization of words. (Marty Bisson Milo)

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    The poetry of a fool The poetry of a fool think I am a fool, look again, and comprehend, I understand I am not deficient, I chose to be different, because of people eye burden, I feel like a ghost, never be loved, what is the odd, of being love,none repulsion, my heart use, black ink to keep writing the poetry of a fool.

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    The Present Vocabulary certain obligations blocks my perception another dimension a vision without alteration without wall of illusion blocking my perception forget the presentations no prescription or medication in the creation phase I but all my emotions no intention to tell you about my mistakes pass I represent the present vocabulary be indulgent learn from your mistakes of your misfortune and obliterate your fear be indulgent to guard what is being dissipated is impossible if you do not want to sink you must learn to swim and take strength because his world and become far too fierce I have no intention of being for you a recreation attention to any division of concentration as a vision of illusion the exclusion of all perceptions of emotions without any understanding of good and bad intentions concentration mode, watch out for reverberation, bad reaction, a pawn you want action, go back do your preparation without any interaction no need for explanation no need for presentations no prescription or medication in the creation phase I but all my emotions all these voices a place of disarray in the middle of all these voices the fights are without faith or law in the middle of all these voices no odds to escape and auctanperer you can forget my mind and there to create prisoner never I'm here to show you with the thinking of passing moments and the vocabulary of the present moment for a decent future absent not writing insistent on days much more clement for my present and the mind filled with writing he is not stupid by technology Develop my thoughts often full of words store no time to rest I will not give up no prescription or medication in the creation phase I but all my emotions enclose between two dimensions no need for presentation or tell you about my intentions errors are passed and now I represent the vocabulary present.

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    Tommorow Call you call me that night when you were alone and crying, but I am only an outcast, and it all blast in my mind, in my heart, an ocean of tears falling let me dream cause I feel so deprim, don't wake me up I won't get up cause I always chose to never give up, but lately it all fall apart like a castle of card let me go back to my fortress cause its the only place I can be a mess without distress and when love don't love you back make some step back even if you don't no where to go keep going even if you don't know what you doing cause you know you have a blessing and never let go cause you never know what can be made of tomorrow even when in a sorrow don't let it go you never know what can be made of tomorrow He was like a brother. He never showed it but he was broken and at some point he couldn't handle it anymore. Whitout the strength to get out of this pain Full of life i remember him crossing the door for the last time He was sad inside He was lost He was my friend He was my brother Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to live if I have time I would tell him that love and the time that goes by also makes mistakes Now he's gone and people finally realize how amazing he was but now it's to late. Maybe a little love and a hand to hold it wouldn't have come to this But I had been the pillar and now the base is broke. Walking in the street wearing masks of the lie, faded soul in disguise only an entity, invisible, intangible never let go cause you never know what can be made of tomorrow even when in a sorrow don't let it go

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    tout est dans la nature si une personne essaye de vous changer ses quel ne vous aime pas vraiment de la facon que vous êtes rellement

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    Un journal Incarnat de penser d'amour L'esprit rougeâtre d'un poison appelée sentiments. Mon encre diluée par deux moitiés encrées sur une île délabrée de penser pour se réconforter. Le coeur fauché comme le blé lacéré des deux côtés imprégné de stupidité par le mot aimé. Marchant devant sans jamais avoir, trouver une femme de confiance, as qui susurre le verbe aimé. Désert l'esprit sur terre, assis sur mon rocher je peux altérer ma pensée et continué as escaladé la montagne créée. Par un flaut d'eau retentissant, rugissants par cent beaucoup de personnes comme des dehiscent sur leur téléphone. Blessants d'être vue comme inconvénient, mais ce qui blesse le plus de l'intérieur est de ne pas s'effondrer et l'extérieur est la façade qui sert de ce que tu as soudé, mes tout peut se fendre en une nuitée emplie d'obscurité et vil sournois ris marchent sans aucun dénié ne prend par aucun raccourci la vie n'a aucun repris suit un ami mais ne te laisse aveugler prend garde ton esprit est la clé ne sois jamais fourvoyé par une histoire falsifiée qui peut être mensonger pour t'utiliser. . Garde ton coeur vrai, reste vrai reste magique. Stay True, Stay Magic.

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    when love don't love you back make some step back

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    Ying and Yang a black part and a white mine is different sometimes one of the two will take the other in a spirit fight and the white spill words of wisdom, but the black repends words of the end.

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    you can see light if you dont see darkness first (Marty Bisson Milo)

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    You see this radiant Flower that sparkles magic.Like your eyes when I see them radiated magic.Marty B.M

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    Marty Bisson Milo

    You see those stars, which shines at night when the sky darkens it shines for you when your heart is blackened