Best 75 quotes of David Gilmour on MyQuotes

David Gilmour

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    David Gilmour

    Adrian Maben came to us with the idea. And we just thought, "Well, why not?" I don't think any of us thought it would be as well received and last in people's minds for as long as it did. All credit to him. It's his idea [Pink Floyd at Pompeii] and it was great.

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    David Gilmour

    Being a solo artist is what I do. It's what I've been doing for the last 20 years and a bit before then.

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    David Gilmour

    Everyone goes to rotten schools when they're kids, don't they?

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    David Gilmour

    For me, gradually over the years, you refined your tastes in the way you do things and it becomes maybe less experimental.

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    David Gilmour

    How much in life is determined, and how much is due to chance?

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    David Gilmour

    I actually learned the guitar with the help of a Pete Seeger instructional record when I was 13 or 14.

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    David Gilmour

    I am a lover of all sorts of different music. I love blues and every piece of music that I have listened to has become an influence.

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    David Gilmour

    I am in a space now where I can try anything; and with Pink Floyd we've always been in a space where we were able to try out anything. I think we were very young then and we were very keen to experiment and try things out. It seems to me that this sort of experimenting is like working yourself towards something and trying to find what you like and what you want.

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    David Gilmour

    I am not a technophobe and I am using the latest technology today, some 30-odd years later, and I am really enjoying what some of the new technologies can offer. But at the same time I am always aware that one can get bogged down in that technology and that it can become more than just a method. That's something that you have to be slightly careful of.

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    David Gilmour

    I am working on current material, a new album, and that is all still my main motivation of going out and working. We haven't gotten rid of all the new stuff in favor of the old.

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    David Gilmour

    I can remember a lot of nights performing in those early years where you felt that you hit some good moments, but a lot of the time you're thinking, "Oh, God, this isn't quite making it." So I think that is what makes you in the end refine your view of things a little bit.

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    David Gilmour

    I don't even think whether I play the blues or not, I just play whatever feels right at the moment.

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    David Gilmour

    I don't even think whether I play the blues or not, I just play whatever feels right at the moment. I also will use any gadget or device that I find that helps me achieve the sort of sound on the guitar that I want to get.

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    David Gilmour

    I don't know what you wanna describe as Rock 'n' Roll, but I certainly thought that 60s stuff, Bob Dylan and the Beatles, changed the world a little bit. But the effect seems to have retreated. I think it's harder than we think to change the world. These things go in cycles. It doesn't seem to have done an awful lot of good, does it? You know, all the talk of racial harmony and equality in the world... we haven't got a long way since the 60s.

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    David Gilmour

    I don't like to get too specific about lyrics. It places limitations on them, and spoils the listeners' interpretation.

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    David Gilmour

    I don't live my life on the road. I'm getting on a bit and there's a lot of other things in my life. Our lovely children and their lives. It's more of a part-time business these days.

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    David Gilmour

    I find it incredibly difficult to write anything that's really happy.

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    David Gilmour

    If people would like to come to my concerts I'd love them to come. And if they like the music that I make, I love that too. But I do not make music for other people. I make it to please myself.

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    David Gilmour

    If you are in a band or in any situation with other people there are obviously brilliant aspects to it, but there are also things that you start finding yourself tied to.

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    David Gilmour

    If you have a live reputation and your popularity is proven that way, then you're bound to get signed up because they see all those people buying those tickets and they think some of those people will buy those records, and that's what their business is primarily about.

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    David Gilmour

    I have no interest in going on a tour to make money without making new product, new art.

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    David Gilmour

    I haven't felt compelled to go back in the studio and do anything serious. I have a little sort of home studio thing which I potter about in occasionally.

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    David Gilmour

    I haven't watched it [the film 'Pink Floyd at Pompeii'] in years. I find it excruciating.

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    David Gilmour

    I just play intuitively and work the same way in the studio. I don't have any magical effects or anything that helps me to get my particular sound.

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    David Gilmour

    I like watching sports, you know, all sorts of stuff.

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    David Gilmour

    I listen to classical music at home probably more than pop music.

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    David Gilmour

    I'm afraid I haven't become a born-again Christian. I'm sort of 'Church of England, lapsed' is about as far as I go.

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    David Gilmour

    I'm an atheist, and I don't have any belief in an afterlife.

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    David Gilmour

    I mean, I have moments of huge frustration because of my inability to express myself linguistically as clearly as I would like to.

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    David Gilmour

    I'm English and I am British. I don't know if I feel part of a music scene. Musically, I have as many feelings and affinity with Americans or Canadians, or all sorts of people as I do with English people.

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    David Gilmour

    I’m not interested in teaching books by women.

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    David Gilmour

    I remember Adrian [Maben, director] had lots of problems with red tape and dealing with stuff. I think we lost two or three days. Maybe those were the days we had to walk around the summit of Vesuvius, and we went around to the sulfur pits where the ground is bubbling. It's near here. It's fantastic.

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    David Gilmour

    I tend to fly old airplanes and old sort of things that are nearly about as old as me. Biplanes and stuff like that.

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    David Gilmour

    I think a lot of things do influence me, but the influence mechanism is as such that these things dive into your brain and bury themselves into your subconscious and you're never quite sure where and how they're going to emerge. I don't think I really take direct influence.

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    David Gilmour

    I think Atom Heart Mother was a good thing to have attempted, but I don't really think the attempt comes off that well.

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    David Gilmour

    I think I could walk into any music shop anywhere and with a guitar off the rack, a couple of basic pedals and an amp I could sound just like me. There's no devices, customized or otherwise, that give me my sound.

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    David Gilmour

    I think myself that, rather like books, music is meant to enter into the brain, well via your ears rather than your eyes but, it's - I think a lot more should be left to the imagination.

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    David Gilmour

    I think once you've seen a song with a video, it limits your own mind's ability to read into it anything other than what you've seen.

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    David Gilmour

    It is an example of what films can do, how they can slip past your defenses and really break your heart.

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    David Gilmour

    It's a very tempting thing to try and relive your glory days when you get a little older and you worry that people have forgotten all about you.

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    David Gilmour

    It's not whether God plays dice; it's how God plays dice.

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    David Gilmour

    It's really tough to get happy music going, you know?

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    David Gilmour

    I've played rugby at school a bit. I didn't play football at school; I played football after school.

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    David Gilmour

    I've sort of remarried a few years ago and have had a couple more children in the last couple of years. And so home life is taking up a lot of my time.

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    David Gilmour

    I went to a school in Cambridge, which I thought was completely rotten. Yes, hated it. Now they want me to go back there and support this, that, and the other and I haven't managed to pluck up the courage to even face it yet.

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    David Gilmour

    Little ideas can pop into one's head at any time, and if I'm being reasonably efficient I've got it close enough to hand, then I pop that little tiny moment of a few seconds down onto a tape and then I can forget about it for... years sometimes.

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    David Gilmour

    My technique is laughable at times. I have developed a style of my own, I suppose, which creeps around. I don't have to have too much technique for it. I've developed the parts of my technique that are useful to me. I'll never be a very fast guitar player. I don't really know what to say about my style. There's always a melodic intent in there.

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    David Gilmour

    No one can replace Richard Wright. He was my musical partner and my friend.

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    David Gilmour

    Obviously record companies tend to be following what the scene is rather than making the scene.

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    David Gilmour

    Obviously, they're all a gang of idiots. But, you know... live and let live.