Best 623 quotes in «photographer quotes» category

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    I remembered seeing it and it was this metallic turbine and I thought it was beautiful. I had never been in a power plant before, but I felt, without being overly dramatic, compelled to make photographs of this for myself.

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    I started as a news photographer at the University Of Texas' Daily Texan.

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    I see no reason for recording the obvious.

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    It 2001 when we started. But prior to that, I had made this website called, where me and this other photographer, Randall Michelson, could sell our images from Sundance online and it was successful. Steve Granitz, who's my main partner at WireImage, we were already working together, and I was like, "Look dude, this is it. We can do this.

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    I think life is too short not to be doing something which you really believe in.

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    I tell a little bit of my life to them, and they tell a little of theirs to me. The picture itself is just the tip of the iceberg.

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    I think of many of my photographs as being obviously symbolic but not symbolically obvious. There isn't any specific correlation between the symbols in this image and any content that I have in mind.

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    It is necessary to like loneliness to be photographer

    • photographer quotes
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    It is not sociologists who provide insights but photographers of our sort who are observers at the very center of their times. I have always felt strongly that this was the photographer's true vocation.

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    I try to begin working with no preconceived ideas.

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    It's always around. You just don't see it.

    • photographer quotes
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    It's always a pleasure to talk about someone else's work.

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    Is giving in to the photographer's presumably natural impulse to compose and light well sometimes okay and not okay other times?

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    It entered the visual vocabulary of photographers, painters and sculptors and focused on what pictures and words look like and what they can mean.

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    I think the most beautiful inventions are the ones you don't think of.

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    I think what makes a picture is a moment that is completely spontaneous and natural and unaffected by the photographer.

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    It is not art in the professionalized sense about which I care, but that which is created sacredly, as a result of a deep inner experience, with all of oneself, and that becomes 'art' in time.

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    It is the photo that takes you. One must not take photos.

    • photographer quotes
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    It's been a strange [summer].... I was sent by a magazine to photograph famous photographers.... Of course, I included myself.

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    It should be the aim of every photographer to make a single exposure that shows everything about the subject. I have been told that my portrait of Churchill is an example of this.

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    It’s a very weird thing being a photographer.

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    It's easy to photograph light reflecting from a surface, the truly hard part is capturing the light in the air.

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    It's one thing to make a beautiful thing; it's another thing to make a living thing.

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    It's important to realize that the images are everywhere, not just where you want or expect them to be.

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    It's quite difficult to write about photography as a photographer. A lot of better photographers than me have declined to do it.

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    It's not the photographer who makes the picture, but the person being photographed.

    • photographer quotes
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    It would have been possible to structure my photographs in such a way that no indicators of the present were discernible. However, I wanted to incorporate into the project as a whole the jostling of time-frames I would feel as I set up my tripod on various rocky promontories.

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    It's really, really hard to make it as a fine-art photographer exclusively.

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    It would drive the photographers crazy because I would giggle and tell jokes. I was gregarious, and looking back, I realize I had a captive audience.

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    I use my music to tune myself.

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    I've always been obsessed with penetrating the female psyche. When I shoot, I'm like a tornado. I never sit down, never take a break, never eat. I'm focused on getting that moment of revelation, of insight, of poignancy, of meaning.

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    I used to call myself a war photographer. Now I consider myself as an antiwar photographer.

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    It's unarguable to say that every one of us has been moved by the beauty of what I have called snapshots, but for photographers they are charms and proverbs, and like lightening or wild strawberries.

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    I've always cared more about taking pictures than about the art market.

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    I've had my body manipulated so many different times for so many different reasons, whether it's paparazzi photographers or for film posters.

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    I've been a photographer for my whole life and I've done everything with photography that I felt I could do, and I always wanted to be a filmmaker.

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    I've been a documentary photographer for much longer than I have been a filmmaker.

    • photographer quotes
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    I've been an amateur photographer since my teens.

    • photographer quotes
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    I've learned over the years that when you get a clue to another possibility to follow it through.

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    I've only done one shoot where it's modeling clothes, not like me in my environment. And the stylist, literally, I had her stand behind the photographer and do poses.

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    I've never wanted to be part of an inner circle of any scene. I've always been an outsider looking to question and subvert.

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    I’ve noticed that the people who started on film still have the ability to see the person in front of them. Whereas for a lot of photographers who have only ever worked in digital, the relationship between the photographer and the person who they’re taking a picture of sort of doesn’t exist anymore. They’re looking at a computer screen as opposed to the person.

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    I wanted it to provide an escape route, I wanted to make pictures that were fantastic and took you into another world, one that was brighter. I started off with this idea.

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    I've never seen a surface that I think is more seductive in image making.

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    I was a bike rider, a photographer and a history student, probably in that order. (On his early years)

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    I've posed nude for a photographer in the manner of Rodin's Thinker, but I merely looked constipated.

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    I was an amateur - I am an amateur - and I intend to stay an amateur. To me an amateur photographer is one who is in love with taking pictures, a free soul who can photograph what he likes and who likes what he photographs.

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    I wanted to show the thing that had to be corrected: I wanted to show the things that had to be appreciated.

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    I was always into the music. Music, in general, saved my life. But the fame part... I would look up, see what was going on around me, the reporters and photographers and all, and then I would just go back to making my music.

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    I was photographing every meal I ate, every person I met, every waiter or waitress who served me, every bed I slept in, every toilet I used.