Best 8 quotes of Alyson Serena Stone on MyQuotes

Alyson Serena Stone

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    Alyson Serena Stone

    He’s a businessman and sees this as the prefect chance to make a few bucks.

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    Alyson Serena Stone

    History is getting ready to repeat itself,” she whispered.

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    Alyson Serena Stone

    Once upon a time, there had been a seventeen-year-old assassin who had never let anyone get closer to her. Then, with the turning of a page, her story changed forever.

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    Alyson Serena Stone

    Today there could be laughter and freedom, but soon the magic would end and they would have to go back to the real world. However, there would still always be time to get under Dak's skin.

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    Alyson Serena Stone

    What can I say? Some women are killers.

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    Alyson Serena Stone

    What did you say to someone after stealing their glory?

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    Alyson Serena Stone

    You guys can play the role of being arrested by me, I’ll waltz into the castle with you two in tow, and, then, we’ll burn it down.

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    Alyson Serena Stone

    You of all people should know that women play a bigger factor in the game of thrones than men.