Best 9 quotes of Thomas Pierce on MyQuotes

Thomas Pierce

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    Thomas Pierce

    A random act of violence," his mother called it. "A totally senseless thing." Unnecessary qualifiers, he sometimes wants to tell her, as the universe is random and senseless place.

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    Thomas Pierce

    Inside every group, he decides, there are more groups. Circles within circles, and inside of those, more circles still, all of them infinitely divisible. You could spend your whole life wondering which ones you're in and which ones you're not and which ones really want you and which ones are holes that have no bottom.

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    Thomas Pierce

    I wasn’t at all comforted by that idea, by the possibility of multiple afterlives and a soul hungering through them for eternity.

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    Thomas Pierce

    Scale back enough, time-wise, and all we are is a quick parade of exploding hearts.

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    Thomas Pierce

    She was a planet, way out in space, out of its orbit, and he was an unmanned spaceship, taking measurements of the atmosphere. She was not suitable for habitation.

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    Thomas Pierce

    That the Bible is the absolute word of God? (The Bible was written by men about God, not the other way around.)

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    Thomas Pierce

    Through the metal bars of the jungle gym, she watches two gray squirrels chase each other around a tree. Around and around and around. So gratuitous.

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    Thomas Pierce

    Why we dare to assume a physical form and brave a world such as ours, so full of tragedy and fear and pain, murders and rapes, war, ceaseless brutality and conflict. We wouldn’t subject ourselves to this unless it was worth it, on some level.

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    Thomas Pierce

    You're not going to get weird on me, are you?" "How exactly would I get weird on you?" "I don't know, but the way you just said weird felt a little weird to me.