Best 6 quotes of Charlotte Gerson on MyQuotes

Charlotte Gerson

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    Charlotte Gerson

    All chronic and degenerative diseases are caused by two and only two major problems, toxicity and deficiency.

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    Charlotte Gerson

    ...An editorial of the Journal AMA, Jan 8, 1949, discussed the Gerson Therapy under the heading 'Frauds and Fables'. At that time, Dr. Gerson's lawyer wrote a letter to the JAMA, threatening a suit for libel...The editorial was withdrawn...(leaving) columns which were blank.

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    Charlotte Gerson

    It's the doctors duty to activate and reactivate the body's own healing mechanism.

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    Charlotte Gerson

    One of the major problems is what we do to the soil, the air, the water and everything, we take in our food.

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    Charlotte Gerson

    When you change your diet, you can change your entire physiology and you can heal

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    Charlotte Gerson

    You can't keep one disease and heal two others. When the body heals, it heals everything.