Best 9 quotes of Arash Tabish on MyQuotes

Arash Tabish

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    Arash Tabish

    Did you heard of a man without land? Probably not! You might think that there is no man without land! But you got it wrong. Here is the first man who is lost and years feels that has no land! And if you put it in context, his feeling would be 99.9% correct.

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    Arash Tabish

    I have learned in my life that not always things goes according our plan, sometimes things goes and happen to us, other or in our life or their life that we never expected to happen. It is life mystery. Keep that in mind.

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    Arash Tabish

    My Question to YOU all! Does this ever happen to anyone of you, that you have the dream of seeing yourself in an unknown future. at a time and place where you are but YOU have no idea of what is going to be next!? Keep THIS in mind, Right NOW for more then couple of YEARS i am at that unknown future! NOT having it in dream! but facing it in real life, each and everyday.

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    Arash Tabish

    ONE day! The world Will understand. And you Will understand That i did not deserve to get punished! Because i did not do any crime! THE only crime That i might committed was That i wanted to be myself! Is it wrong to be MYSELF? If not! Then why you are punishing me! Dont forget! YOU took away 7 years of someone’s life who did not committed any crime and will not! Hope that day come SOON...

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    Arash Tabish

    Probably most of you who live at these sides of the world! Really believe in Freedom of SPEECH! RELIGION! human RIGHTS! EQUAL RIGHTS! And So on... But let me to tell you a real life story of my own life! Yes my own life and I believe many others who are at these sides of the world! But no one hear them! These people who shout about human right! Equal right! Freedom of speech! Freedom of religion! Yes THEY destroy 7 years of my life! And yet they CLAIM that they respect all people rights and believe that all people rights should be equal and all people should have freedom of speech and religion. NOW! Wait a MINUTE sir! How do you know how I feel at the moment! What I think at the moment and what is my situation at the moment! If you don’t put yourself instead of ME! ? You judge for what you think is right! But you never try to understand my situation!!! I am getting punished for something that I Had no choice about it!!! Yet there are people among you and you CALL them SIR! While they are the most guilty person ever you can find. Shame of the judgement system! I Promise ONE day you will understand that you were WRONG about ME!

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    Arash Tabish

    They SAID! We can not READ mind of GOD! And WE don’t know what He think about!!! Are YOU that Stupid? I dont think YOU are serieus! WHAT is the use of his Holy BOOKS? believe it or not! I am fulltime disagree with YOU.

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    Arash Tabish

    What a nonsense! YES Nonsense. They keep the women away from social life and the society! They try to have full control over them! They don’t allow them to do things they like! They expected them to be always there for them and their kids! Yet still they call them Ignorant! Selfish! Weak minded. ( All those above are nonsense! They just want upper hand on their wifes In order to rule and shape their life the way themselves want it and enjoy it. In order they want that their desires be accepted by public, they claim authority from above!!! Now you CAN see that WHO is ignorant!!! Selfish!!! Weak minded!!!

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    Arash Tabish

    Why do "THEY" keep saying that JESUS was GOD?, do YOU know THAT you can BE Wrong if you EXAM yourself? Check OUT these VERSES --- ((( 1. Matthew 24:36, 2. Matthew 26:39, 3. John 5:26, 4. John 5:30 , 5. John 5:19 , 6. Mark 10:18, 7. John 14:28 , 8. Matthew 6:9 , 9. Matthew 27:46 , 10. John 17:21-23, 11. 1 Corinthians 15:27-28 , 12. Hebrews 1:3 , 13. Hebrews 4:15 (compared with James 1:13) , 14. Hebrews 5:7-9 ))) --- and remember THERE are 100 + Verses in OLD/NEW testaments that JESUS said He is NOT GOD! but remember with all our differences, i still prefer to respect you for who YOU are! No MATTER if you believe him as GOD! Hope you all respect us TOO, sadly you DON'T.

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    Arash Tabish

    You know what! Let me be straight forward to you! There is no equal right between men & women in ISLAM! Not a little bit! Yes YOU heard me WELL. Do YOU call that equal rights when a women get half of what man get? Or you call that equal when two women witness is equal of a man? If you still think there is equal rights! Then I think you need to re-examine your authentic sources!