Best 4 quotes of Mohammed Faris on MyQuotes

Mohammed Faris

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    Mohammed Faris

    ...disconnection is the ability to unplug your mind from the constant bombardment of all the distractions that come your way in order to connect to your inner mind and inner focus. It is the ability to find solitude in yourself. The more we can develop our ability to focus, the more we will be in control of how we respond to (or ignore) the distractions that come our way.

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    Mohammed Faris

    If all we are going to do is go through the motions of life: eat, sleep, get married, have children, work, retire and then die...then it's true, life doesn't mean anything. But if we strive to make our life full of meaning and fulfil our purpose, then it all makes sense.

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    Mohammed Faris

    It's finding time to be alone in a quiet place and simply focusing inwards on yourself, your dreams, your hopes, your prayers, and your aspirations. Finding solitude is the practice of the prophets of God. It's where they found solace with their Creator and received their great revelations.

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    Mohammed Faris

    Not long ago, local farms and markets were the only source of food in one's life. We understood where our food came from, the ground in which it grew, and its link to our Creator. Today, however, with the globalisation of the food industry and the ever-increasing urbanisation of humanity, we've lost this link to the earth and forgotten our dependence on the Creator to provide food for us.