Best 4 quotes of Vaun Murphrey on MyQuotes

Vaun Murphrey

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    Vaun Murphrey

    Distance is meaningless, as is time, when minds and souls intertwine.” -Gerome in CHANGELING-

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    Vaun Murphrey

    In my experience endings are false positives. Perhaps like a phoenix, out of the ashes of destruction we could be reborn." -Cassandra Rainbow in PHOENIX-

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    Vaun Murphrey

    Secrets, however long they are kept, usually still manage to be brought to light. The best you can hope for is that you’ll be in control of when a secret gets out, not if it does.” -Melody in CHIMERA-

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    Vaun Murphrey

    Time is spent never bought. Minutes count when seconds blur. Memories are past that’s caught. Imaginings are future’s lure.” Cass and Silver Rainbow-