Best 10 quotes of Paddick Van Zyl on MyQuotes

Paddick Van Zyl

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    Paddick Van Zyl

    Don't wait for someone to become a memory before you love them

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    Paddick Van Zyl

    God not only provided us with the ability to choose, to make decisions, but He also desires that we make these choices and decisions in consultation with Him, His written word and the guidance of His Holy Spirit.

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    Paddick Van Zyl

    God’s plan for us is good, not evil. Well-being and not disaster. He hears us and listens to us when we call out to Him.

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    Paddick Van Zyl

    Our identity is in Christ, not in our work, our accomplishments or our own good works. Our provision is from God alone, not our jobs or our money. Our authority is in Christ alone, not our own power or strength, apart from Jesus Christ, we do not have any authority, identity or provision. He is our all and our everything.

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    Paddick Van Zyl

    Planning is a skill and an art which takes a lifetime to master

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    Paddick Van Zyl

    There may be times of pain and regret and deep hurt in our lives. Often it takes a painful situation to motivate us back to where God wants us to be or intended us to be. Until some people will get up and remove the thorn from under their foot, that is causing utter discomfort, they will not change. No, God does not cause the pain or hurt or sickness or tragedy, but He may use it (allow it) to bring us to a place where we are focused on Him, where He has our attention and where He can minister to us by His Spirit, in our inner being.

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    Paddick Van Zyl

    The testing of Abraham’s faith was not for God to see if Abraham would obey since God knows everything from A to Z. It was for Abraham to find out if his faith in God will stand the test. How far was he willing to obey God? How strong was his faith in God really? God knows us. He knows what is in our hearts, we cannot fool Him

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    Paddick Van Zyl

    To have wisdom whilst young, to have strength whilst old, therein lies the secret to life on earth

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    Paddick Van Zyl

    When we read about the events that occurred in the lives of those individuals that God raised up as leaders, we see a pattern emerging – that of character testing. Think of Joseph, King David, Daniel, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha, the disciples. They all had to go through some character training. At times in our life, we will be faced with and find ourselves in situations that we think we are unable to handle or situations that we have no natural talent for. We will be out of our depth. These situations are designed by God as character forming or character shaping events. They are essential to our growth and us accomplishing the will and plan of God for our lives.

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    Paddick Van Zyl

    When we submit to God, when we call upon His Name and give Him the glory as we trust Him, we can rest assured that God will give us the victory. When we obey God’s instructions, we will succeed. Obedience is key to success.