Best 7 quotes of K. A. Wiggins on MyQuotes

K. A. Wiggins

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    K. A. Wiggins

    Failure. An echo of the Mara’s voice—or maybe it’s my own—hisses in my ear. No. Not a failure, but . . . not quite finished. I am enough—for now. But I could be more. I want to be more.

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    K. A. Wiggins

    I close my eyes. Golden light shines through my eyelids in wavering patterns of red and yellow. Figures dance and sway in the light, dark eyes flashing. I feel Victoire’s eagerness rise as if it were my own. It ebbs almost in the same instant. What do I care for the pulse of a beat, for the eyes of many, for the touch of heat and sweat? That is Victoire’s passion, not mine. I will not succumb. I am not Ravel’s dream of me.

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    K. A. Wiggins

    It had been a dream, and dreams lie. Dreams cannot be trusted. Dreams lure you in with promises of your heart's desire, of everything you hope for, of fantasy and fiction made flesh. And then as soon as you reach for paradise, they turn and crush you.

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    K. A. Wiggins

    It's okay to want things, Cole. It's okay to go after them, too.

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    K. A. Wiggins

    Not safe," I say, wondering if only using very short, clumsy sentences is what he means by being special.

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    K. A. Wiggins

    Too many children have suffered. Too many families have been broken. Too many girls have grown up alone. Or not at all. I won’t let them ruin anyone else.

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    K. A. Wiggins

    We’re strong, Cole. You just have to stop believing that all your strengths are wrong. Fight back. Stop waiting. Stop looking for someone else to save us. We’re enough, right now, just as we are.