Best 64 quotes in «nausea quotes» category

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    3-D is a waste of a perfectly good dimension. Hollywood's current crazy stampede toward it is suicidal. It adds nothing essential to the moviegoing experience. For some, it is an annoying distraction. For others, it creates nausea and headaches.

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    Wszyscy czekali łakomie na godzinę słodkich ciemności, odprężenia, zapomnienia, godzinę, w czasie której ekran, lśniący jak biały kamień w wodzie, będzie mówił i marzył za nich.

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    You exaggerate everything. You continually force the truth because you're always looking for something.

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    Don't take me for a fool!" Dee interrupted angrily, but then had to lean over the boat as another bout of nausea gripped him. Virginia grinned and winked at Josh. "It's hard to sound masterful when you're throwing up, isn't it?" "I hate you, Virginia Dare," Dee mumbled. "I know you don't really mean that," she said lightly. "I do," he croaked.

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    Everything is gratuitous, this garden, this city and myself. When you suddenly realize it, it makes you feel sick and everything begins to drift . . . that's nausea.

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    Every page must explode, whether through seriousness, profundity, turbulence, nausea, the new, the eternal, annihilating nonsense, enthusiasm for principles, or the way it is printed.

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    Having become conscious of the truth he once perceived, man now sees only the awfulness or the absurdity of existence, he now understands the symbolic element in Ophelia's fate, he now recognizes the wisdom of the woodland god, Silenus: it nauseates him.

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    Give someone who has faith in you a placebo and call it a hair growing pill, anti-nausea pill or whatever, and you will be amazed at how many respond to your therapy.

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    He must love me, i thought, amazed. A faint whiff of nausea hit me at seeing pain as proof of love, but it seemed true. Unavoidable.

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    In my view the time for rousing revolutionary literature has passed, because the revolution has already revolutionised itself to death and has left behind only bitterness and a sort of weariness, listlessness and even nausea.

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    I knew what love was supposed to be: obsession with undertones of nausea.

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    This emotion I'm feeling now, this is love, right?" "I don't know. Is it a longing? Is it a giddy stupid happiness just because you're with me?" "Yes," she said. "That's influenza," said Miro. "Watch for nausea or diarrhea within a few hours.

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    I repeatedly refuse to make any practical decisions. I get a feeling of nausea about practicality.

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    The worst part about pregnancy would definitely have to be my nausea. I don't know why it's just called morning sickness because morning sickness never just happened in the morning for me and it's not happening just in the morning for my sister.

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    I had learned to have a perfect nausea for the theatre: the continual repetition of the same words and the same gestures, night after night, and the caprices, the way of looking at life, and the entire rigmarole disgusted me.

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    Nausea is an unsolved problem of medicine and marijuana is the finest anti-nausea medication known to science.

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    all touch starting to sicken, as if the cells of my skin were individually nauseated

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    All things nauseating and deadly are American, apparently. Well, okay, she can't disagree.

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    Aunque me quisiera con toda su alma, sería igualmente un amor de muerta.

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    A może nikt nie rozumie własnej twarzy?

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    Czy miał pan dużo przygód?" Odpowiadam machinalnie: "Trochę." i rzucam się do tyłu, żeby uniknąć jego zionącego oddechu. Tak, powiedziałem to machinalnie, bez zastanowienia. Zazwyczaj jestem rzeczywiście raczej dumny, że miałem tyle przygód. Ale dzisiaj, ledwo wymówiłem te słowa, zdjęło mnie wielkie oburzenie na siebie: zdaje mi się już że kłamię, że przez całe życie nie miałem najmniejszej przygody, lub raczej że nie wiem, co oznacza to słowo.

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    Ben onun gibi umutsuz değilim, çünkü beklediğim fazla bir şey yok. Ben daha çok...bana verilmiş, hem de bir hiç için verilmiş olan hayat karşısında şaşırmış durumdayım.

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    Her nausea increased, the dialect had become unfamiliar, the way our wet throats bathed the words in the liquid of saliva was intolerable. A sense of repulsion had invested all the bodies in movement, their bone structure, the frenzy that shook them. How poorly made we are, she thought, how insufficient. The broad shoulders, the arms, the legs, the ears, noses, eyes, seemed to her attributes of monstrous beings who had fallen from some corner of the black sky.

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    General ideas are more flattering. And then professionals and even amateurs always end up by being right

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    Everything is gratuitous, this garden, this city and myself. When you suddenly realize it, it makes you feel sick and everything begins to drift…that’s nausea.

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    I don't even bother looking for words. It flows in me, more or less quickly. I fix nothing, I let it go. Through the lack of attaching myself to words, my thoughts remain nebulous most of the time. They sketch vague, pleasant shapes and then are swallowed up: I forget them almost immediately.

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    Ich najlepsze historie opowiadają o nierozważnych, o oryginałach, którzy zostali ukarani. No bo tak: tak właśnie jest i nikt nie po wie, że jest inaczej.

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    It was true, I had always realized it—I hadn’t any “right” to exist at all. I had appeared by chance, I existed like a stone, a plant, a microbe. I could feel nothing to myself but an inconsequential buzzing. I was thinking…that here we are eating and drinking, to preserve our precious existence, and that there’s nothing, nothing, absolutely no reason for existing.

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    I haven’t had any adventures. Things have happened to me, events, incidents, anything you like. But not adventures. It isn’t a matter of words; I am beginning to understand. There is something I longed for more than all the rest - without realizing it properly. It wasn’t love, heaven forbid, nor glory, nor wealth. It was…anyway, I had imagined that at certain moments my life could take on a rare and precious quality. There was no need for extraordinary circumstances: all I asked for was a little order. There is nothing very splendid about my life at present: but now and then, for example when they played music in the cafés, I would l look back and say to myself: in the old days, in London, Meknés, Tokyo, I have known wonderful moments, I have had adventures. It is that which has been taken away from me now. I have just learnt, all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, that I have been lying to myself for ten years. Adventures are in books. And naturally, everything they tell you about in books can happen in real life, but not in the same way. It was to this way of happening that I attached so much importance.

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    I have vicarious morning sickness. Other people's babies make me nauseous.

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    I lean all my weight on the porcelain ledge, I draw my face closer until it touches the mirror. The eyes, nose, and mouth disappear. Nothing is left. Brown wrinkles show on each side of the feverish swelled lips, crevices, mole holes. A silky, white down covers the great slopes of the cheeks, two hairs protrude from the nostrils: it is a geological embossed map. And, in spite of everything, this lunar world is familiar to me. I cannot say I recognize the details. But the whole thing gives me an impression of something seen before which stupefies me: I slip quietly off to sleep.

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    Is nausea always a manifestation of grief? Who am I to know? I have never been thus before. Grief-stricken. Stricken is right; it is as though you had been felled. Knocked to the ground; pitched out of life and into something else.

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    It is the reflection of my face. Often in these lost days I study it: I can understand nothing of this face. The faces of others have some sense, some direction. Not mine. I cannot even decide whether it is handsome or ugly. I think it is ugly because I have been told so. But it doesn't strike me. At heart, I am even shocked that anyone can attribute qualities of this kind to it, as if you called a clod of earth or a block of stone beautiful or ugly.

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    My passion was dead. For years it had rolled over and submerged me; now I felt empty. But that wasn't the worst: before me, posed with a sort of indolence, was a voluminous, insipid idea. I did not see clearly what it was, but it sickened me so much I couldn't look at it.

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    Now i did think, The smoke will drive the bugs away. And, to some degree,it did. I'd be lying, though, if I claimed I became a smoker to ward off insects.I became a smoker because 1. I was on an Adirondack swing by myself, and 2. I had cigarettes, and 3.I figured that if everyone else could smoke a cigarette without coughing, I could damn well, too.In short, I didn't have a very good reason. So yeah, let's just say that was the bugs. I made it through three drags before I felt nauseuos and dizzy and only semipleasantly buzzed. I got up to leave As I stood, a voice behind me.

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    Others quite new when covered with ice, all white, all throbbing, are like swans about to fly, but the earth has already caught them from below. They twist and tear themselves from the mud, only to be flattened out a little further on.

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    Özgürüm: Hiçbir yaşama nedeni kalmadı artık bana; denediğim bütün nedenler beni bıraktı; başkalarını da tasarlayamıyorum. Daha genç sayılırım, yeniden başlamaya yetecek gücüm var. Ama nereden başlamalı? En şiddetli korkulara, bulantılara düştüğümde beni kurtarır diye Anny'ye ne kadar güvenmiş olduğumu ancak şimdi anlıyorum. Geçmişim öldü, Bay de Rollebon öldü, Anny sadece bütün umutlarımı kırmak için geri geldi. Bahçeler boyunca uzayan şu beyaz sokakta yalnızım. Yalnız ve özgür. Ama bu özgürlük ölüme benziyor biraz.

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    Perhaps it is impossible to understand one's own face ... People who live in society have learned how to see themselves in mirrors as they appear to their friends. I have no friends. Is that why my flesh is so naked? You might say -- yes you might say, nature without humanity.

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    Podobno bardzo onieśmiela ludzi, gdyż nigdy nic nie mówi.

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    Pour que l'événement le plus banal devienne une aventure, il faut et il suffit qu'on se mette à le raconter.

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    (Sartre) (The world is full without me, as in Nausea; the world plays at living behind a glass partition; the world is in an aquarium; I see everything close up and yet cut off, made of some other substance; I keep falling outside myself, without dizziness, without blue, into precision.

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    Something has happened to me, I can't doubt it any more. It came as an illness does, not like an ordinary certainty, not like anything evident. It came cunningly, little by little; I felt a little strange, a little put out, that's all. Once established it never moved, it stayed quiet, and I was able to persuade myself that nothing was the matter with me, that it was a false alarm. And now, it's blossoming.

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    Şu tepenin üstünde, kendimi onlardan ne kadar uzak hissediyorum. Sanki başka türdenim ben. Bütün gün çalıştıktan sonra bürolardan çıkıyor, evlere ve meydanlara neşeyle bakıp, bu kentin, kendi kentleri olduğunu, bir 'güzel burjuva kenti' niteliği taşıdığını düşünüyorlar. Korkmuyorlar; kendi yurtlarında olduklarını duyuyorlar. Musluklardan akan evcil kent suyundan, düğme çevrilince ampullerden yayılan ışıktan, dayanaklarla desteklenmiş melez ağaçlardan başka şey bilmezler. Her şeyin bir mekanizmaya uyarak ortaya çıktığını, dünyanın belli ve değişmez yasalara göre işlediğini günde yüz kere görürler: Boşlukta, bütün nesneler aynı hızla düşer; park yazın her gün saat altıda, kışın da dörtte kapanır; kurşun 335 derecede erir; son tramvay Hotel de Ville'den on biri beş geçe kalkar. Durgun, biraz asık suratlı kimselerdir. Yarın'ı, yani bugünün bir tekrarını düşünürler; kentlerde her sabah yeniden orataya çıkan tek bir gün vardır. Pazarları, bu tek günü az buçuk süslerler. Avanaklar! Güven dolu, kalın suratlarını göreceğimi düşündükçe tiksinti kaplıyor içimi. Yasalar yaparlar, bayağı romanlar yazarlar, çocuk yapma budalalığına düşmekten kurtulamazlar. Ama o koskoca, ne idüğü belirsiz doğa, kentlerine girmiş, her tarafa, evlerine, bürolarına, kendilerine bile sızmıştır. Doğa kıpırdamaz, olduğu gibi durur; onlar, içleri dolduğu, doğayı soludukları halde farkında değillerdir. Kentin dışında, yirmi kilometre uzakta olduğunu sanırlar doğanın. Onu görüyorum ben,bu doğayı görüyorum. Baş eğişinin tembellikten geldiğini biliyorum; yasaları olmadığını da biliyorum, onun düzenliliği sandıkları şey...Doğanın alışkanlıkları var yalnız, yarın değiştirebilir onları.

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    If I were in their place, I’d fall over myself.

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    I know very well that I don't want to do anything: to do something is to create existence—and there's quite enough existence as it is.

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    It is an abstract change without object. Am I the one who has changed? (...) I must finally realize that I am subject to these sudden transformations. The thing is that I rarely think; a crowd of small metamorphoses accumulate in me without my noticing it, and then, one fine day, a veritable revolution takes place. This is what has given my life such a jerky, incoherent aspect.

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    Mdłości nie znajdują się we mnie: czuję je tam na ścianie, na szelkach, wszędzie wokół mnie. Łączą się z kawiarnią, to ja znajduję się w nich.

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    My companions ate the bear. I found I had no appetite.

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    My existence began to worry me seriously. Was I not a simple spectre?

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    Now she felt good. She felt great. She loved her swelling body, loved how everyone gave way before her, paid her tribute, wanted to touch her arm or shoulder. In the mirror, her face glowed. Her days of nausea were forgotten. Pregnancy was easy, it was a breeze on a summer day.