Best 5 quotes in «karen quotes» category

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    Sky passed out on the road today," Karen says, changing the subject. "Some adorable man-boy carried her inside." I laugh. "Guy, Mom. Please just say guy.

    • karen quotes
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    Is the diameter of your index finger equal to or greater than the diameter of a super absorbency tampon?

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    Steven Magee is to astronomy what Karen Silkwood is to nuclear radiation.

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    It is probably a good thing that Karen Wetterhahn died from mercury poisoning, as if she had survived, she would have discovered the horrible Dartmouth College workers compensation experience for occupational disease.

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    With the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea, we are back to times of Karen Silkwood where the government is fraudulently facilitating the illegal damage of workers health by a biologically toxic employer.