Best 445 quotes in «devotion quotes» category

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    I knew nothing but love and devotion when I was growing up. Trust me, it makes everything easier.

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    I like it when science and devotion find places of intersection.

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    It appeared to me that the dignity of which human existence is capable is not attainable by devotion to the mechanism of life , and that unless contemplation of eternal things is preserved, mankind will become no better than well-fed pigs.

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    In the life of the Indian there is only one inevitable duty-the duty of prayer-the daily recognition of the Unseen and Eternal. Our daily devotions were more necessary to us than daily food.

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    In the uttermost meaning of the words, thought is devout, and devotion is thought. Deep calls unto deep.

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    I should never deem a man of ordinary caliber worthy of my devotion.

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    I think the worst thing we can do is to concede to fanaticism its devotion, say. Well, you have to understand, these people are really fanatics, so we should back down from them. I think if journalists start doing that then they won't be practicing journalism. If satirists start doing that then they won't be practicing satire.

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    It is easy to infuse a most fervent devotion into others, even in a short time; but the great matter is - to persevere.

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    It is not because there is God that devotion has come; because there is devotion, there is God.

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    It's all there-the boredom, the devotion, the horror and even the humor in an industrial war fought on a global scale that we'll never see again. Unit histories just do not get any better.

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    Its from the deep waters that we come. And we are heartfelt and treacherous like those waters. We come with an unflinching devotion to the mystical and to God - representing life and embracing death.

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    Keep yourself simple, good, pure, serious, and unassuming; the friend of justice and godliness; kindly, affectionate, and resolute in your devotion to duty.

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    It has happened, women have helped their husbands, sacrificed their whole lives, never thought about themselves. Their surrender, their devotion to their lovers has been total. In this totality, they have achieved before their lover has.

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    Knowledge often spoils devotion.

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    Know it for certain that without steady devotion for the Guru and unflinching patience and perseverance, nothing is to be achieved. You must have strict morality.

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    Knowledge without devotion to God produces hatred.

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    Knowledge without devotion will be like a misfire.

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    Let's worship Divinity, but understand the divinity we worship is beyond our comprehension.

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    Let us learn the meaning of economy. Economy is a high human office,--a sacrament when its aim is grand, when it is the prudence of simple tastes, when it is practised for freedom or for love or devotion.

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    Love grows from stable relationships, shared experience, loyalty, devotion, trust.

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    Maybe I was afraid to trust him with something so personal as my devotion.

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    Love of Mary and devotion to her are a sure sign of obtaining eternal salvation.

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    My greatest debt will always be to the movie-going public of yesterday and today, without whose love and devotion I would have had no story to tell.

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    Men who refuse to worship the true God now worship themselves with tender devotion.

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    Mrs Thatcher requires devotion as well as obedience.

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    Much has been written about the loyalty of dogs, but what I love about them isn't their devotion to me so much as their devotion to being alive.

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    No person will deny that the highest degree of attainable accuracy is an object to be desired, and it is generally found that the last advances towards precision require a greater devotion of time, labour, and expense, than those which precede them.

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    No one ever lost out by excessive devotion to Christ.

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    Not all people who inspire devotion are monsters.

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    ... nothing is so boring as devotion.

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    Nothing will carry you through hardship like a sincere devotion to Christ.

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    Nothing is worthy of man as man unless he can pursue it with passionate devotion.

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    Offspring, friends and relatives flee from a devotee of the Lord: yet those who follow him bring merit to their families through their devotion.

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    One grain of incense with devotion offer'd 'S beyond all perfumes of Sabaean spices.

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    Often devotion to virtue arises from sated desire.

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    One single day of devotion is worth more than a thousand years of worldly life.

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    Other people's devotions embarrassed me, perhaps because, like other people's kisses, they rarely looked genuine when viewed too closely.

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    Only when you are absolutely devoted to what you do, can you produce something significant in the world.

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    Patriotism has nothing to do with Conservatism. It is actually the opposite of Conservatism, since it is a devotion to something that is always changing and yet is felt to be mystically the same.

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    Patriotism is not necessarily defined as blind devotion to a president's particular agenda - and that to dispute a presidential policy is not necessarily anti-American.

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    Paul welcomed hearbreak, disillusionment and tribulation for only one reason - - these things kept him immovable in his devotion to the gospel of God.

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    Religion is a major player in the poaching crisis. We've ignored it, we've accorded religion too much respect in this regard, and we've placed devotion above slaughter.

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    Physical scientists probably deserve the reputation they enjoy for incorruptibility and unswerving devotion to pure truth. The reason for this is that it is not worth while to bribe them.

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    Pontus, instituted among all people, as an addition or corollary of devotion towards God, that festival days and assemblies should be celebrated to them who had contended for the faith (that is, to lie martyrs ).

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    Prayer thrives in the atmosphere of true devotion.

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    Real devotion is an unbroken receptivity to the truth

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    Sacrifices are concerned with the feelings of devotion and longing.

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    Service is the overflow which pours from a life filled with love and devotion. But strictly speaking, there is no call to that. Service is what I bring to the relationship and is the reflection of my identification with the nature of God.

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    Simply performing devotional activities will not impart devotion to others but our consciousness should be absorbed.

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    Students from the same teacher will differ in their skills