Best 56 quotes in «pennies quotes» category

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    Always remember, me dear, whether you're listening to a tale or telling one: Every penny piece that's struck has two sides to it.

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    ...regrets are like pennies that have fallen down the cracks of the sofa. Most times, they aren’t worth collectin

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    A big silvery janitor. Penny, this can’t be how the universe works.” “In the Order we call it ‘inverse profundity.’ We’ve observed it in any number of cases. The deeper you go into the cosmic mysteries, the less interesting everything gets.

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    A penny saved is of more value than a penny paid out.

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    A penny saved is a penny to squander.

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    A penny saved is twopence dear; A pin a day 's a groat a year.

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    All lovely things will have an ending, all lovely things will fade and die; and youth, that's now so bravely spending, Will beg a penny by and by.

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    Buy your freedom. Work really hard when you're young, save every penny, make a lot of money, and retire at 40, or 30 if you get lucky.

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    Analogue dollars for digital pennies.

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    As the few adepts in such things well know, universal morality is to be found in little everyday penny-events just as much as in great ones. There is so much goodness and ingenuity in a raindrop that an apothecary wouldn't let it go for less than half-a-crown.

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    Ceremony keeps up things: 'tis like a penny glass to a rich spirit, or some excellent water; without it the water were spilt, and the spirit lost.

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    Commentors to the Blog suggested Nick should take the Independent for every penny.

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    A penny saved is not a penny earned if at the end of the day you still owe a quarter.

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    Benjamin Franklin went through life an altered man because he once paid too dearly for a penny whistle. My concern springs usually from a deeper source, to wit, from having bought a whistle when I did not want one.

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    Every time I see a coin on the street, I stop, pick it up, put it into my pocket, and say out loud "Thank you, God, for this symbol of abundance that keeps flowing into my life" Never once have I asked, "Why only a penny, God? You know I need a lot more than that.

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    Happiness is like the penny candy of our youth: we got a lot more for our money back when we had no money.

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    Follow the money, Washington reporters like to say. The money is this case comes from taxpayers, present and future, who are the source of every penny of dues paid to public employee unions, who in turn spend much of that money on politics, almost all of it for Democrats. In effect, public employee unions are a mechanism by which every taxpayer is forced to fund the Democratic Party.

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    He that has a penny in his purse, is worth a penny: Have and you shall be esteemed.

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    Every penny I've ever saved has been spent on airline tickets to different corners of the world.

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    I came from a family where my people didn't like rhythm and blues. Bing Crosby - "Pennies from Heaven" - Ella Fitzgerald, was all I heard.

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    Human beings have the remarkable ability to turn nothing into something. They can turn weeds into gardens and pennies into fortunes.

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    If a great outfit gets you one step closer to feeling good about yourself, then it's worth every penny.

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    I am a one-trick pony. But I have worked hard at something I would have liked to do even if I weren't paid a penny for it, and made a good living at it. You can't be luckier than that in this life, no matter who you are or what you do.

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    I have every right to know how my taxes are spent, how every single penny of it is spent. I have the right to know that.

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    If you watch your pennies, the pounds will take care of themselves.

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    I'm sort of in for a penny, in for a pound with Star Trek, It's my life at this point. To deny it would just be foolish.

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    I am scared; I don't know what is going to happen to me. What was the point of working so hard and of being talented, to be rewarded like this? Never a penny, tormented all my life. It is horrible; one cannot imagine it.

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    I never voted to spend one penny of Social Security money.

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    I say not one penny more to countries that are burning our flag.

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    It was the economic benefit,You make a comfortable living in public service and you get a fairly comfortable retirement, if you watch your pennies and you're not extravagant. But in television, if a show goes, you make a substantial amount of money. So, economically it just didn't make sense for me not to.

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    I would roll up pennies to take the subway to work in Times Square. I was broke, but I was happy.

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    I've got a penny-ante talent, out of which I try to drum up a living for myself. And what nobody seems to realize is that it's just as difficult to get a bad idea as a good one.

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    I told the Inland Revenue I didn't owe them a penny because I lived near the seaside.

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    Let's make Joe Lieberman accountable for his rhetoric. Not a penny more until he 'clarifies' his position to the satisfaction of our creative freedom.

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    Literature is composed of quarter truths, and the quarters are often spent on penny candy.

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    No one making less than $250,000 under Barack Obama's plan will see one single penny of their tax raised, whether it's their capital gains tax, their income tax, investment tax, any tax.

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    Rude interviewers are ten a penny, and politicians have long since learned how to cope.

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    Politicians will always spend every penny of tax raised and whatever else they can get away with.

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    Sam and Caine were left standing side by side, bruised and battered, to stare over Penny's sickening corpse, at the face of their mother.

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    Penny said two words, the second of which was "you." Caine laughed. "I think you meant '---- you, Your Highness.

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    Socialized medicine, some still cry, but it's long been socialized, with those covered paying for those who are underinsured. American medicine is simply socialized badly, penny wise and pound foolish.

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    The chances of a bank going out of business are extremely slim, but it's always a good idea to spread around major sums so every penny is backed by insurance.

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    The Aly loafer is our modern take on the penny loafer with a subtle slit across the top. I wear loafers with everything these days- skinny jeans, long skirts and dresses.

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    The free market hasn't done a very good job "figuring out" how to pay workers enough. If it was solely up to the market, the people with the least power would be paid pennies ... or less.

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    Take every penny you have set aside for aid for Tanzania and spend it in the UK, explaining to people the facts and causes of poverty.

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    The market is a democracy in which every penny gives a right to vote.

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    The hats are tough. I've got a weird head, so believe me, there were a lot of hats. Penny [Rose], our costume designer, who I knew from other jobs said, "Badge, that looks terrible on you. Hold on. No, we can't do that one.

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    The very valuable time of the humanity often passes with the incredible stupidities and with the local matters not worth a penny!

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    The temptation is not here, where you are reading about it or praying about it. It is down in your shop, among bales and boxes, ten-penny nails, and sand-paper.

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    The public gets not one penny from them in return for those airwaves.

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