Best 341 quotes in «regrets quotes» category

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    That’s the problem, of course. At least, part of the problem. In Madison, regrets are as commonplace as wishes. And there’s no such thing as do-overs.

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    The future is now! Don't make that second pass you into regrets.

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    the ache became longing, longing became nostalgia, nostalgia became fondness, and after a while he could see the funny side of it. A long while.

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    The future is never just one choice. It's a thousand. And they never stop. You will choose your future every day of your life. And should you wake up one day to find that you regret the choice you made the day before, then make a new one. Don't worry about whether you might be wrong someday. Worry about whether you're right now. Tomorrow can wait.

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    The mind is a focusing and decision-making mechanism. We can focus on our spirit and decide to honour the voice of Truth, thus becoming free in the hands of God. Or we can focus on the world and decide to take the path of least resistance, thus becoming puppets in the hands of others. There is no other choice. Both come with a price, but the first brings life and the other brings death.

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    The old are often forgotten. Life moves on without a care for those who wish to remain in the past. We tend to talk too much because it’s rare that we’re listened to.

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    The heart fools the mind, where eyes went deaf to words, that fell on blinded ears to easy to fall in love.

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    The one who never repents shall be the one who never sleeps.

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    The only thing equal to the enormity of his want was his regret.

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    The only thing worse than regretting the things you've done is regretting the things you didn't do.

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    The only thing you can do with the dreams when you realize it’s already morning is to regret wasting your life while you had all the time.

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    The pages continue to turn, and every day I'm a little older, hopefully a little wiser and a lot more grateful. Do I have regrets? I have a few - but not as many as you might think. If it hadn't been for the darkness, I never would have known the light. In life we all take different paths, some more difficult than others, but in the end, all that matters is whether or not they lead us home.

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    The Punisher: If there are no consequences to your have no reason...not to make them...

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    The Punisher: If there are no consequences to your mistakes...there are no reason not to make them...

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    There are certain actions you took which you were not fully aware of the real consequence; you only journeyed to see the end result; it’s a lesson for not just you, but for you to teach others also

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    There are people who know where they want to be, and also have a roadmap in their mind, about how to get there. But something stops them! They either keep waiting for better circumstances, or simply lack the courage to give up the comfort of a secure life. For them, the pursuit of their purpose is a risky proposition. Often, those are the same people that die with the weight of regrets. Those are the people who feel unfulfilled or unworthy at the end of their journey. They bury their dreams for the sake of a safe life, without ever venturing into the world of possibilities. But the truth is that if you risk nothing for the pursuit of your passion, you risk more. An even deeper reality is that there’s never a perfect time; the most ideal and opportune time is the time when YOU choose to begin your journey. Find courage to take the first step today. Your age, your pace, or your handicap doesn’t matter. Nothing is insurmountable if you have passion and persistence – your heart knows this. You simply have to convince your mind to play along. Find your moments of courage – the times when you feel strong, able, and energized. Tap those moments to launch yourself; the world beckons!

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    The brave don't live forever but the cautious don't live at all. The only thing that's truly terrifying is the unlived life.

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    The regrets of old age are polarized: you wish you had not done certain things--behaved thus, responded like that--and you wish you had seized more of the day, been greedier, packed more in.

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    There are the girls we love, the men we look up to, the tenderness, the friendships, the opportunities, the pleasures! But the fact remains that you must touch your reward with clean hands, lest it turn to dead leaves, to thorns, in your grasp.

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    There is no person I came across and I didn’t give them opportunities. Their problem is most, if not all become interested or respond when it’s already too late.

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    There exist no new mistakes anywhere. The same mistakes people committed are the same mistakes people are committing and the same mistakes shall people commit

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    There are no regrets in life, only experiences. Every experience helps us to be what we can be.

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    There's not a day that goes by, without me thinking of you, dying, in someone else's arms.

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    There should be no room in your life for regret. If in the moment of doing you felt clarity, you felt certainty, then why feel regret later.

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    The tear-stained letters of my regret will remain forever unread, for I am never going to be strong enough to give them to you.

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    The thing about past love is that they exist, only in your fantasy as a fantasy.

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    There's a difference between thinking you can't be wrong and having no regrets. Wrongness is what occurs prior to empiricism, in hindsight a counterpart of revelation, and revelation is nothing to regret.

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    There’s no wrong decisions. We can always turn deep doo-doo into manure, and grow something to chew on.

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    they that fail to recognize, take and and learn the lessons of discomfort well, meet the comforts of life and still live in discomfort

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    The sad things that happened long ago will always remain part of who we are just as the glad and gracious things will too, but instead of being a burden of guilt, recrimination, and regret that make us constantly stumble as we go, even the saddest things can become, once we have made peace with them, a source of wisdom and strength for the journey that still lies ahead. It is through memory that we are able to reclaim much of our lives that we have long since written off by finding that in everything that has happened to us over the years God was offering us possibilities of new life and healing which, though we may have missed them at the time, we can still choose an be brought to life by and healed by all these years later.

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    The thing I regret the most is that I cannot help everyone who really needs it.

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    They that fail to understand their dreams, visions and aspirations in life and the real steps to take to make dreams a reality shall always have realities of life teaching them the had I knows of life.

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    Today is another day! Yesterday is gone but not its memories. There were so many things we expected yesterday which did not happen and what we least expected happened instead. Some are still expecting something. Expectation is a pillar of life. We all do have our expectations for today. Though we may or we may not be able to tell with certainty how our expectations would materialize. We ought to take life easy. Well, it may not be so easy to take it easy but, take it easy! Stay focused and entrust your trust in God. After all what you least expects can happen; serendipity can visit you and stay with you forever at a twinkle of an eye. The coin of life can however turn within a moment of time and your expectations can become a big had I know and a night mare; the vicissitudes of life can rob you at any moment of time. No one knows what the next second really holds. What matters in life is to do what matter; plant the seed of life God has entrusted in your hands and dare to ensure its abundant fruitfulness. The very problem in life is living to neglect the very reasons why you are living because of the problems you may face in living why you must live. When you trade why you must live for why you must not live, you are ruled by what you know but you do not know how it is ruling you. Once we have life, let us live for life all about living and living life is life!

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    Time feels interminable when you're mired in regrets. Ramsey is my diversion.

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    This I would wish, that there was no time or sleep. No more past, or future, and everything we did was good the first time, for the day. Without the need of looking back to learn from the past, and no future to hope for the better. No more tiredness, or having a need to dream, and no nightmares to fear. If there was a second time, this is how I would like to start over.

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    Today, I choose not to take my life for granted. I choose not to look upon the fact that I am healthy, have food in my refrigerator and have clean water to drink as givens. They are not givens for so many people in our world. The fact that I am safe and (relatively) sane are not givens. That I was born into a family who loves me and into a country not ravaged by war are not givens. It is impossible to name all of the circumstances in my life I've taken for granted. All of the basic needs I've had met, all of the friendships and job opportunities and financial blessings and the list, truly, is endless. The fact that I am breathing is a miracle, one I too rarely stop to appreciate. I'm stopping, right now, to be grateful for everything I am and everything I've been given. I'm stopping, right now, to be grateful for every pleasure and every pain that has contributed to the me who sits here and writes these words. I am thankful for my life. This moment is a blessing. Each breath a gift. That I've been able to take so much for granted is a gift, too. But it's not how I want to live—not when gratitude is an option, not when wonder and awe are choices. I choose gratitude. I choose wonder. I choose awe. I choose everything that suggests I'm opening myself to the miraculous reality of simply being alive for one moment more.

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    Try to live with as few regrets as you can short of zero. A life with no regrets at all was never really lived.

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    Tomorrow is tomorrow and today is today. Tomorrow will come and we shall still say today. Worry not yourself about tomorrow but today! Plan your tomorrow today and tomorrow will never be a regretful yesterday for you. Those who least plan their tomorrow today always meet tomorrow and still live in yesterday.

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    Until you learn how to confidently say NO to so many things, you shall always say YES to so many things. The real summary of a regretful life is a life that failed to balance YES and NO. Yes! A life that failed to recognize when to courageously say NO and when to confidently say YES!

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    Warlock: Four thousand and fifty-three metric tons of inert rock, metal and organic matter, frozen solid. Quasar: Frozen in what? Drax: Time. Quasar: "Time", Drax? Drax: Uh-huh. Old, old frozen time. Quasar: Right. And that tastes like what? Drax: Regret.

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    To live with regret is to deny one;s life of living.

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    Voyez-vous, lorsqu'on a trop réussi sa vie, On sent, -- n'ayant rien fait mon Dieu de vraiment mal! -- Mille petits dégoûts de soi, dont le total Ne fait pas un remords, mais une gêne obscure ; Et les manteaux de duc traînent dans leur fourrure, Pendant que des grandeurs on monte les degrés, Un bruit d'illusions sèches et de regrets, Comme, quand vous montez lentement vers ces portes, Votre robe de deuil traîne des feuilles mortes.

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    was coming to that troubled twilight time, a time of regrets that resemble hopes, of hopes that resemble regrets, when youth is past but old age has not yet come.

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    We all had dreams, regrets, accomplishments, people we'd loved and disappointed, and at some point, for each of us, those earthly concerns would fall away, our lives replaced in an instant by darkness or--if you believed--light. Sometimes deaths came too soon, sometimes not soon enough, and only for certain sinners did it come at a time of one's choosing.

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    We are disposable tonight. We are regrettable tonight. We can’t touch one another without the world imploding, tonight.

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    We can’t change what we have done. It’s done, forever, but we can change our actions now. We can make reparation for our bad actions by doing good actions, loving actions. Do not live remembering your past regrets, live with love now.

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    we are bound to make mistakes. We are bound to meet mistakes. We have regretted certain decisions we took yesterday today and we may regret some decisions of today tomorrow but not until we regret the regrets, we shall always have the regrets

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    We don't have to be defined by the things we did or didn't do in the past. Some people allow themselves to be controlled by regret.Maybe it's a regret, maybe it's not. It's merely something that happened. Get over it.

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    We're all stuck between the realm of our desires, their possibilities and the realities of life.

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    We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets. ― Marilyn Monroe