Best 28 quotes in «shiva quotes» category

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    Only when Shiva is united with Shakti does he have the power to create -

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    Armaggedon Buenos Aires Antes de ir hacia Jesús, yo era Jesús. Antes de ir hacia Shiva, yo era Shiva. Antes de ir hacia la Gran Madre, yo era la Gran Madre. Ya sabes…. Antes del "Despertar" el "Real Despertar " es nunca haber nacido ".

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    Shiva danced the world into existence... that's a very nice thought.

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    Algunas cosas olvidadas en el fondo del fuego de nuevo La peor oveja negra? El sol La mejor oveja negra? El lado oscuro de las mariposas.

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    Armaggedon Buenos Aires Before going to Jesus, I was Jesus. Before going to Shiva, I was Shiva. Before going to the Great Mother, I was the Great Mother. You know…. Before the "Awakening" the "Real Awakening" is be an not born.

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    God's creation was linguistic, & the letters of the first potent word that (S)He uttered contained all the forms of creation, each form presided over by the name of a letter of the alphabet, which is in turn composed of letters, each of which has a name, & so on to infinity... Creation, on other words, is eternal & ongoing: "the multitude of letters swells out into the infinitude," & "letters are continually generating other letters." The alphabet speaks a divine language, ... each letter calling up, but never pinning down, the enigmatic nature of reality, the word of God. (S.177)

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    Down the centuries, mystics have explored fragments of human consciousness. They have found one doorway here, one doorway there. But nobody has explored every possible doorway to human consciousness. No one did it before Adiyogi. And no one has needed to do it since. His work remains alive for those who have the eyes to see it.

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    I am Shakti, as well as Shiva. I am everything male and female, light and dark, flesh and spirit. Perfectly balanced in one single moment lasting an eternity...

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    Lord Shiva, you my sunshine, my soul, Sivoham.

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    In Tantric tradition, Shiva and Shakti or Purusha and Prakriti represent the two fundamental forces that sustain the universe; all that exists is an interplay of these forces.

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    Listen, O lord of the meeting rivers, things standing shall fall, but the moving ever shall stay.

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    Many have come to understand that while reality and truth are not always the same, they do not necessarily oppose or preclude one another. The myths of Shiva, the lake and the mountain, Buddhist stories and visualisations, the feeling of a mountain rising: none of these need be literal in order to be considered truthful. Such moments simply point to a truth as complex as the people who seek to understand them.

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    OM NAMAH SHIVAYA prayer of Five Element which i(universe) Exist.

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    Shiva represents the non-dualistic Absolute..... all dualities merge within him.

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    Starting from the source of vibrant Consciousness, the first two tattvas of Shaivism are (1) Shiva tattva and (2) Shakti tattva. It is important to understand at the beginning that these two tattvas are only linguistic conventions and are not actually part of creation. According to the deep yogic experience of the sages of this philosophy, there is no difference between Shiva tattva and Shakti tattva. They are both actually one with Paramasiva. They are considered to be two tattvas only for the convenience of philosophical thinking and as a way of clarifying the two aspects of the one absolute reality, Paramasiva. These two aspects are Shiva, the transcendental unity, and Shakti, the universal diversity. The changeless, absolute and pure consciousness is Shiva, while the natural tendency of Shiva towards the outward manifestation of the five divine activities is Shakti. So, even though Shiva is Shakti, and Shakti is Shiva, and even though both are merely aspects of the same reality called Paramasiva, still, these concepts of Shiva-hood and Shakti-hood are counted as the first two tattvas. These two tattvas are at the plane of absolute purity and perfect unity. — B. N. Pandit, Specific Principles of Kashmir Shaivism (3rd ed., 2008), p. 73.

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    The essential nature of samvit is the subtle stir of spanda. The introverted and extroverted movements of spanda cause samvit to manifest itself in both the noumenal and phenomenal aspects of creation. These two aspects of samvit are known in Shaivism as Shiva (transcendent) and Shakti (universal). Shiva and Shakti are the two names given to the monistic Absolute (Paramasiva) when it is being considered in its dual aspects of eternal and transcendent changelessness (Shiva), and the ever-changing and immanent manifestation of universal appearances (Shakti). — B. N. Pandit, Specific Principles of Kashmir Shaivism (3rd ed., 2008), p. 17–18.

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    Then how does one go about making the impossible, possible ?

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    I listened mesmerized, visualizing the goddess with her divine mate, wondering if it was possible for humans to replicate this perfect relationship. Would I be blessed with such a love in my life?

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    It is important to understand that, according to Kashmir Shaivism, this analysis of all phenomena into thirty six tattvas is not an absolute truth. It has been worked out by the authors of the philosophy as a tool of understanding for the ever-active and inquiring mind and as a form for contemplative meditation. Through further analysis, the number of tattvas can be increased to any level. Similarly, through synthesis, they can be decreased down to one tattva alone. In fact this has been done in the Tantraloka, where one can find doctrines of contemplation on fifteen, thirteen, eleven, nine, seven, five, and as few as three tattvas as well. The practitioners of the Trika system use only three tattvas in the process of a quick sadhana: Shiva representing the absolute unity, Shakti representing the link between duality and unity, and Nara representing the extreme duality. [Shakti is the path through which Shiva descends to the position of Nara and the latter ascends to the position of Shiva.] Finally, a highly advanced Shiva yogin sees only the Shiva tattva in the whole of creation. However, since the contemplative practice of tattvadhvadharana used in anava upaya includes meditation on all thirty sex tattvas, that is the number commonly accepted by the Shaivas of both northern and southern India. — B. N. Pandit, Specific Principles of Kashmir Shaivism (3rd ed., 2008), p. 79.

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    On the Sivaratri day after performing the routine, the devotee shall go to the temple of Siva and perform worship.

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    The moment I saw him running toward you that morning, I knew you were going to save him, just as he saved you.

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    According to Shiva, life is in the end about fixing holes. Shiva didn't speak in metaphors. fixing holes is precisely what he did. Still, it's an apt metaphor for our profession. But there's another kind of hole, and that is the wound that divides family. Sometimes this wound occurs at the moment of birth, sometimes it happens later. We are all fixing what is broken. It is the task of a lifetime. We'll leave much unfinished for the next generation.

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    The rich will make temples for Siva. What shall I, a poor man, do? My legs are pillars, the body the shrine, the head the cupola of gold.

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    The seeds of divinity live in everyone. Chanting of Om Namah Shivaya mantra is the art of sprouting that divinity.

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    The word Shiva means the deathless, changeless, timeless, formless all-pervading absolute essence of the universe.

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    Creating music is a wonderful way to celebrate our devotion for Lord Shiva.

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    I am Shiva, Destroyer of Worlds.

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    I loved this smart, funny, big-hearted novel. As hilarious and wise as early Philip Roth, The Mathematician's Shiva will delight and move you.