Best 222 quotes in «underestimate quotes» category

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    Don't underestimate your kids. Don't be condescending, because they're children but they're not stupid.

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    Golden rule of life: never underestimate your rivals.

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    From dead plant matter to nematodes to bacteria, never underestimate the cleverness of mushrooms to find new food!

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    I also argued before the war that the administration was underestimating Arab nationalism and Iraqi nationalism, that it was not going to be as easy to rule Iraq as they thought.

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    He who sees age on the outside of things is doomed to underestimate the vitality of raisins.

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    I think a lot of people underestimate the physical demands required to be a top model. It's not just what you're doing on set, it's the strength you have to have to survive in a cutthroat industry. It's the quick wit and the quick thinking on your feet in certain situations.

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    If there is a single power the West underestimates, it is the power of collective hatred.

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    I never underestimate my opponent, but I never underestimate my talents.

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    Never underestimate the importance of simply being physically present in the place God wants you. You may not be asked to perform some dramatic ministry, but simply being there is a ministry.

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    Let us never underestimate the power of a well-written letter.

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    My mistake was in underestimating the emotional force of a song you have already hear a thousand times.

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    Never, never underestimate the power of desire. If you want to live badly enough, you can live. The great question, at least for me, was: How do I decide I want to live?

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    Never underestimate the effectiveness of a straight cash bribe.

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    [Never underestimate] the power of dinner.

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    Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway.

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    I've spent my whole life with people underestimating me.

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    Never underestimate a well-dressed bimbo.

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    Never underestimate the capacity of noble young men to do incredibly foolish things for perfectly good reasons.

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    Never underestimate the Pricey.

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    Never underestimate the power of a woman.

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    Never underestimate the power of jealousy and the power of envy to destroy. Never underestimate that.

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    Never underestimate the joy people derive from hearing something they already know.

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    Never underestimate the power of a well-placed apostrophe.

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    Never underestimate your ability to make someone else's life better - even if you never know it.

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    No one has ever gone broke underestimating the insecurities of the gay and lesbian consumer.

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    The employment rates are in very bad shape. We vastly underestimate the unemployment

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    One of the most serious errors, if not the most serious error, committed by colonial powers in Africa, may have been to ignore or underestimate the cultural strength of African peoples.

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    Now, each of us has his own special gift And you know this was meant to be true. And if you don't underestimate me I won't underestimate you.

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    You can't underestimate the sickness of the American people right now. They're really sick. And, that's, I'm more angry at the sick Americans than I am at Obama or Hillary Clinton. I'm really angry at the sick Americans.

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    We usually overestimate what we think we can accomplish in one year-but we grossly underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade.

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    When Allah puts barakah (His blessings) in something, it will come beyond your expectations- never underestimate the power of one good deed.

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    There is danger that totalitarian governments, not subject to vigorous popular debate, will underestimate the will and unity of democratic societies where vital interests are concerned.

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    there was no greater natural advantage in life than having an enemy overestimate your faults, unless it was to have a friend underestimate your virtues.

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    Turkey is the gateway to the east for Europe, and the gateway to Europe for the east. We have a bridging function that Europe shouldn't underestimate.

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    We cannot underestimate the power of the different art forms, and the correspondences between them, which are an unending source of inspiration and enrichment.

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    After you give yourself the chance to get to know yourself, love on yourself, and finally put yourself first, you’ll be like a kid in the candy store, because your life is so sweet. This is because you’ve accepted your flaws, you’ve learned how to say no without regret, you’re giving yourself so much attention and are loving yourself to the moon and back. You are in your ‘Ahah’ moment, and goodness gracious, you are in the zone where nobody can interrupt your inner peace. As others’ houses of cards fall down, you press forward because that isn’t your problem. You are taking happy steps, your mind is on cruise control, and you’ve created a new and improved plan for your life. Life is good!

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    After we become a daughter, we become a wife to our husbands and a mother to our children. I believe that is why a woman smiles through the pain because she was always told what she couldn’t or shouldn’t do. Regardless of this, she believed in herself and made it happen.

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    A leader would think that most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.

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    As a woman, a true loyal friendship is important. Truth be told, it takes patience and a lot of work. You will have some friendships that will be underestimated and tested. Most definitely, there will be some friendships that will come and go. However, there will be friendships and sisterhoods that will last a lifetime. A true sister will walk through the fire with you; and after she walks through the fire, she will stand against the rough currents with you. Nobody is perfect. True sisterhood is a gift that absolutely holds your love together.

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    As a fallen warrior, you feel like nothing has been going your way lately, and that you do not have any fight left. Do not dwell on the past or what is thrown at you; instead, use it as fuel to be a powerful fighter! As you become a powerful fighter, learn how to balance and focus on your inner peace. Keep a steady, positive mind and remind yourself that nobody has the power or authority to bring you down.

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    As a single mother, I feel like I carry the weight of the ocean on my shoulders trying to keep my head above water to keep from drowning. I try to stand firm as I dig my toes in the sand, but the troubling waves tend to wash the sand away from under my feet. I lose my balance, but I have to make the best of what I am given; take a leap of faith and start swimming.

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    As a woman, it’s hard to stay grounded when every time you think you are doing something right, someone wants to pull up the roots you took so long to plant.

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    As a woman, you are always empowering others and helping people out of their situations. The time has come, and the time is now, for you to take charge of your own journey. It doesn’t matter how young or how old you are. It is time for you to freefall into giving yourself a chance at love, and the first person you should fall in love with is yourself.

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    Another one bites the dust. I am reaping the benefit of self-fulfillment and self-control. I am worthy of all the good things in life.

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    A powerful force of women does not have a race or religion. We are human—a powerful human force!

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    ​As a little girl, a woman is groomed to become a wife and a mother. She is trained to always make wise decisions, yet there will forever be limits and boundaries. As I look back, I remember being told what I could and could not do, simply because I was a girl. A little girl is told she cannot act like a boy; if she does, she will be classified as a “tomboy”. Climbing trees was prohibited, instead, she was taught to put a baby doll in a stroller and take the doll for a walk. She couldn’t sit as she pleased; she was told to only sit with her ankles crossed. Girls were given a kitchen playset that was equipped with a stove, sink, and an accessory set of play food dishes, pots, and pans, etc., along with a tea set to bring out the “elegance” in them. As the saying goes, “Girls are sugar and spice, and everything nice.” I’m taken aback by how girls are groomed to be a certain way; however, boys are able to love life and live freely without limitations and criticism.

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    As a woman, you walk into all kinds of unknown situations that cause you to fall in love, put someone else’s needs before your own, and make unbelievable sacrifices. As time goes by, falling in love has its consequences. You fall in love with your mate, children, family, and job. However, you do not receive a fraction of what you have given in return. Sadly, nobody sees you are beyond exhausted. They want you to go, go and go without complaining. If they carefully pay attention and think about it; when was the last time they saw you smile, truly smile? When was the last time they saw you happy, truly happy? When was the last time they offered to help you, as opposed to asking could you do this or that? When was the last time they gave you a moment to breathe?

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    A woman always gives away the heart of her soul; to her husband and/or significant other, children, family, friends, and in the workplace. A woman goes through so much emotionally, physically, and mentally. However, most of the time it goes unnoticed.

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    As they throw more stones, let them fall where they may. In my opinion, the more rings in the ripple effect the better! Needless to say, they are giving you the opportunity to exchange their hate, backbiting, and negative energy into valuing and loving yourself more. They are helping you create a thicker skin as you find your happiness and you embrace a fruitful future. ​This is your moment. You are coming into a time of peace and fulfillment. Take it all in! You put up with a lot of people’s shit to get where you are today.

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    As women, we have come a long way but the struggle is real and our hunger is stirring up the right to be treated equally regardless of age, religion, race, and or which “group” we belong to. There is so much more that needs to be done but if we continue to come together as women instead of being each other’s enemies, filled with the rage of envy and competition, we will be able to move further along a lot faster than expected.