Best 56 quotes in «emperor quotes» category

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    Emperors are vain and useless things.

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    Genius is not a retainer to any emperor.

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    Everything Mengistu has done since 1977 has been to place himself in a position of uncontestable power. Neither Haile Selassie nor any of the previous emperors had this insatiable thirst for power.

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    I also won one from the emperor of Japan, with a prize for the arts. That's important.

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    I couldn't stand living in a society that admires the emperor's new clothes, when I see so clearly that he is naked.

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    I am the Roman Emperor, and am above grammar.

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    If a supernatural power tries to make you a saint or an emperor, refuse it, because the greatest beauty of life hides in having no position whatsoever! Positionless is the best position!

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    If I am an empress, he is the only man worthy of being my emperor.

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    I in my own house am an emperor, And will defend what's mine.

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    I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor, just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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    It becomes an emperor to die standing (i.e., "in harness"). [Lat., Decet imperatorem statem mori.]

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    No one would have doubted his ability to reign had he never been emperor.

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    If you work without love, you are working like a slave. When you work with love, you work like an emperor. Your work is your joy, your work is your dance.

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    I used to live in Ethiopia as a child, and I lived there when Haile Selassie was the emperor.

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    I was there, the day that Horus killed the Emperor

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    Lee Marvin was just the best. Just the best. And that was the beginning of a friendship that lasted until he died. And the same with Ernie Borgnine. You know, I went up there and did that movie [Emperor Of The North] with those guys, and I actually was with Ernie the night that he died.

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    [On Napoleon:] The Emperor is too grand for anybody to tell him the truth, everybody who surrounds him flatters him all day long.

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    Take it all in all, I do not believe anybody on earth has a worse time than an Emperor penguin.

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    The Bible, as we know it today, was collated by the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine the Great

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    The Emperor is merely endorsing a clothing-optional lifestyle!

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    The finest plans are always ruined by the littleness of those who ought to carry them out, for emperor himself can actually be nothing.

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    The souls of emperors and cobblers are cast in the same mould

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    Give me health and a day, and I will make the pomp of emperors ridiculous.

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    The finest plans have always been spoiled by the littleness of them that should carry them out. Even emperors can't do it all by themselves.

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    Twitter is very impulsive and impermanent and you only have 140 characters. There is no greater 'Emperor' of Twitter than Stephen Fry.

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    What thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called a robber, whilst thou who dost it with a great fleet art styled emperor.

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    When truthsayers have the courage to say the emperor is wearing no clothes, whether you agree with their point of view or not, send them love. They are to be acknowledged for speaking their truth.

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    A man who does not like power will suffer from its cruelty.

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    Where are the numerous constructions erected by Agrippa, of which only the Pantheon remains? Where are the splendorous palaces of the emperors?

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    At all times an empire is more important than emperor and empress, prince and princess.

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    Ce siècle avait deux ans, Rome remplaçait Sparte Déjà Napoléon perçait sous Bonaparte Et du premier consul, déjà par maint endroit Le front de l'empereur brisait le masque étroit

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    But I hated the Emperor of the Ke-Han with everything I had in me, for every man I'd lost and every friend who'd died, for every story I'd known was false but had allowed to harden my heart against the enemy anyway.

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    Fornam jeg legemets søte lyst og begjær mot dette eller hint, så skremte forsagelsens fyrste meg med sitt: Avdø her for å leve hisset.

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    Europe is haunted by the shadow of the Emperor. One senses his absence just as vividly as in former times one sensed his presence. Because the emptiness of the wound speaks, that which we miss knows how to make us sense it. Napoleon, eye-witness to the French Revolution, understood the direction which Europe had taken—the direction towards the complete destruction of hierarchy. And he sensed the shadow of the Emperor. He knew what had to be restored in Europe, which was not the royal throne of France—because kings cannot exist for long without the Emperor—but rather the imperial throne of Europe. So he decided to fill the gap himself. He made himself Emperor and he made his brothers kings. But it was to the sword that he took recourse. Instead of ruling by the sceptre—the globe bearing the cross—he made the decision to rule by the sword. But, “all who take up the sword will perish by the sword” (Matthew xxvi, 52). Hitler also had the delirium of desire to occupy the empty place of the Emperor. He believed he could establish the “thousand-year empire” of tyranny by means of the sword. But again—“all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword”. No, the post of the Emperor does not belong any longer either to those who desire it or to the choice of the people. It is reserved to the choice of heaven alone. It has become occult. And the crown, the sceptre, the throne, the coat-of-arms of the Emperor are to be found in the catacombs…in the catacombs—this means to say: under absolute protection.

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    How can this 'I' be said to have any being other than as a pattern of movement in Heaven and Earth's unfolding union.

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    I don’t see that her being cyborg is relevant. - Kai (Lunar Chronicles #2 - Scarlet)

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    Light is the world's emperor.

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    Napoleon, the greatest of the conquerors, is a sufficient proof that great men of action are criminals, and therefore, not geniuses. One can understand him by thinking of the tremendous intensity with which he tried to escape from himself. There is this element in all the conquerors, great or small. Just because he had great gifts, greater than those of any emperor before him, he had greater difficulty in stifling the disapproving voice within him. The motive of his ambition was the craving to stifle his better self.

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    When Rome burned, the emperor's cats still expected to be fed on time.

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    I don't wear armor. I don't carry weapons. An emperor needs only his imagination.

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    If I were in his(Prophet Muhammad) presence, I would wash his feet.

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    Some say," Scytale said, "that people cling to Imperial leadership because space is infinite. They feel lonely without a unifying symbol. For a lonely people, the Emperor is a definite place. They can turn toward him and say: 'See, there He is. He makes us one.' Perhaps religion serves the same purpose, m'Lord.

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    The emperor is just a man, after all.

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    Nothing makes sense in Rome.

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    The Emperor wishes me to send my innocent little lamb to the slaughter. No. Instead, I'll send him my anaconda.

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    They think they are invincible. But, the truth is, Nova––gods fall just as hard as mortals. The only difference is... gods do not see the fall coming until it is too late.

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    They say the eyes are the apertures to the soul. If that is so, I feared Locusta's soul was far darker than even Nero's.

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    Underlings should always be uncomfortable in the presence of their superiors," said the Emperor. "Don't you agree?

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    While many find the new clothes of the emperor magnificent, some dare to say out loud, he is simply naked. If the clear sighted are constrained by the credulous and when the “followers” are browbeating the "knowers", the cat is among the pigeons and the age of obscuration is under way. Obviously "something wicked this way comes…" ("His master's voice" )

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    Yes, my eyes are closed to your light. I am a beast, a nigger. But I can be saved. You are sham niggers, you, maniacs, fiends, misers. Merchant, you are a nigger; Judge, you are a nigger; General, you are a nigger; Emperor, old itch, you are a nigger: you have drank of the untaxed liquor of Satan’s still.