Best 23 quotes in «locked up quotes» category

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    Depression, I've learned, is sometimes caused by anger that we keep locked up inside.

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    Are you keeping anything else from me?” “I’m keeping a lot of things from you.” “Like?” “Like the way I feel about being locked up in here with you. You have no idea what you do to me.

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    I am not very good with relationships. With anyone. I can't be locked up with anyone for too long.

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    I am well protected Too locked up Inside myself To get free

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    I feel like I've been locked up tight for a century, waiting for someone to release me.

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    Gratitude is an opener of locked-up blessings.

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    Keep it locked up inside Don't talk about it Talk about the weather Can't see the light

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    If my mama and daddy would've stayed together, one of them would've been dead, and the other would have been locked up for it.

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    If you were to come to Minnesota, I could have you locked up like that. That's power.

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    I hadn't learned yet that everybody's locked up some way or other. That's how life is we're all imprisoned by something.

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    The student is to collect and evaluate facts. The facts are locked up in the patient.

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    Having visual impressions is, of course, necessary for seeing things, but it is not sufficient. What must be added is not anything sensible. And it is precisely this that unlocks the outer world for us; for without this non-sensible something, each of us would remain locked up in his inner world.

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    People are locked up in all sorts of ways.

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    "It's a workshop. Nothing but tools." "So why would it be locked?" I asked. "I'd love to say it's suspicious," SImon said. "But if this Banks guy had kids around, then I'm not surprised. My dad isn't exactly Mr. Handyman, but he kept a lock on his toolbox. You know parents, Paranoid." "Yeah," Derek said. "Especially after their son flattens his fingers trying to nail a drawing to the wall." "Hey, I'm not the genius who suggested it." Simon glanced at me. "Tape wouldn't hold it, and Science Guy explained that the paper was too heavy for the adhesive. So I got some nails." Derek rolled his eyes.

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    They weren't crazy. They were tired of being locked up. Even I could see that.

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    When you're locked up in here for life, you learn to welcome the little freedoms.

    • locked up quotes
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    We are, each of us, our own prisoner. We are locked up in our own story.

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    And when you are kept from your home, no matter where you are, you are in a cage.

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    They locked me up with a boy. A boy. Dear God. They're trying to kill me.

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    I've been locked up for 264 days. 1 window. 4 walls. 144 square feet of space. 26 letters in an alphabet I haven't spoken in 264 days of isolation. 6.336 hours since I've touched another human being.

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    The door to her heart was locked up tight, but he could still see a faint glow escaping through the keyhole.

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    Think what it would be like if you got back to your island and there was no old man, no girl any more. No mysterious fun and games. The whole place locked up forever.

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    When we stay locked up in the spectrum of unsolved life stories and keep hiding in an arcane prism, life remains a mystery behind perpetual tensions and a journey in a world beyond appearances. (“Une femme peut en cacher une autre")