Best 573 quotes in «goodbye quotes» category

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    Loving someone is setting them free, letting them go.

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    Most songs that aren't jump-rope songs, or lullabies, are cautionary tales or goodbye songs and road songs.

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    Maybe you should say goodbye, Cal.' 'No.' 'It might be important.' 'It might make her die.

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    My friends, we did it. We weren't just marking time, we made a difference. We made (America) stronger - we made (America) freer - and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad. Not bad at all. And so, goodbye. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America.

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    May everyone live, And may everyone die. Hello, my love, And my love, Goodbye.

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    Movies become living organisms that graduate from a filmmaker's sphere of influence and pretty much look back and tell you how they need to be said goodbye to. A movie often turns around and looks at you and says, "Here is who I am, and that's maybe now how you see me, but that's who I've become." And you've got to be open enough to go with that.

    • goodbye quotes
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    My pet-sitting day ends around sunset, and it's very satisfying to know that I've made several living beings happy that day. That I left their food bowls sparkling clean and fresh water in their water bowls. That I brushed them so their coats shined, and played with them until all our hearts were beating faster. That I kissed them goodbye and left them with their tails wagging or flipping or at least raised in a happy kind of way. That's a heck of a lot more than any president, pope, prime minister, or potentate can say, and I wouldn't switch places with any of them.

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    My wife's the ugliest woman in the world - I'd sooner take her with me on tour, than kiss her goodbye.

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    Naturally there will come a time, when I will have to say goodbye, but I've soul-searched and this is not the time.

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    Never worry. Be ever cheerful. Always laugh and smile. You can use the following powerful autosuggestion: "Mr. Worry, goodbye to you. I am a different person now. I am made of sterner stuff." Worry will now be afraid to show his face to you. You can then remove the worries of many of your friends.

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    No more memories, no more silent tears. No more gazing across the wasted years. Help me say goodbye.

    • goodbye quotes
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    My life is ticking away one subway token at a time - a never ending pirouette of arriving and departing, pushing through turnstiles, nodding goodbye and hello. In eight hours I'll be allowed to turn around and go home.

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    My world has changed, and so have I. I have learned to choose and I have learned to say goodbye.

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    No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth.

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    Nothing's worse than saying goodbye. It's a little like dying.

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    Nothing's forever forever's a lie. All we have is what's between hello and goodbye.

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    No one but me can save myself though its too late, death greets me warm, now i will just say goodbye.

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    Not for a minute did I believe that this wasn’t goodbye. Still, I had loved and been loved in return, and there was nothing greater than that. It far outweighed the alienation of all the previous years. Bones thought five months was too short; I was amazed I’d been granted joy for so long. “I love you,” he moaned, or maybe I said it. I couldn’t tell the difference anymore. The lines had dissolved between us.

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    Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.

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    No Time For Goodbye is a deliciously smart thriller, full of surprises and perfect pacing. I'm jealous I didn't write it.

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    Now I know who you are U got nothin' on me, I see I should've known it from the start You can't tell me lies Don't even try cuz This is goodbye Goodbye

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    One kind kiss before we part, Drop a tear and bid adieu; Though we sever, my fond heart Till we meet shall pant for you.

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    One of the difficult things of so much travelling is to say goodbye.

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    Oftentimes we say goodbye to the person we love without wanting to. Though that doesnt mean that we've stopped loving them or we've stopped to care. Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you.

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    Not so cold, some snow fell. I went inside the log cabin and said goodbye to Mother, she was so alike grandmother, just younger.

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    On Waterloo Bridge where we said our goodbyes, the weather conditions bring tears to my eyes. I wipe them away with a black woolly glove And try not to notice I've fallen in love On Waterloo Bridge I am trying to think: This is nothing. you're high on the charm and the drink. But the juke-box inside me is playing a song That says something different. And when was it wrong? On Waterloo Bridge with the wind in my hair I am tempted to skip. You're a fool. I don't care. the head does its best but the heart is the boss- I admit it before I am halfway across

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    Pard, we will meet again in the Happy Hunting Ground To part no more, Goodbye

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    Only nature has a right to grieve perpetually, for she only is innocent. Soon the ice will melt, and the blackbirds sing along the river which he frequented, as pleasantly as ever. The same everlasting serenity will appear in this face of God, and we will not be sorrowful, if he is not.

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    Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love.

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    People like you always want back the love they pushed aside. But people like me are gone forever when you say goodbye.

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    Park was never going to love her more than he did on the day they said goodbye. And she couldn’t bear to think of him loving her less.

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    Please, please. Don't cry like that. I'm going to go mad. I don't want to see you again. I need to see you again... I'm sick of it. Because as soon as we have to say goodbye... I want to die. (Ritsuka)

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    Poetry, like love, is something we never truly say goodbye to.

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    People so seldom say I love you And then it's either too late or love goes. So when I tell you I love you, It doesn't mean I know you'll never go, Only that I wish you didn't have to.

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    Promise to give me a kiss on my brow when I am dead.--I shall feel it.

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    Say goodbye to the energy vampires in your life (the negative souls who steal your enthusiasm).

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    Say goodbye to yesterday...those are the words I'll never say.

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    Saying goodbye to the people you love isn't easy

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    Say goodbye to golden yesterdays: or your heart will never learn to love the present.

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    Say goodbye to the age-old stereotypes of seduction. Seductive, but not a seductress, a woman wears a scent to reveal her personality.

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    Say goodbye to the oldies, but goodies, because the good old days weren't always good and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems

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    Say goodbye to a world where you cannot breathe/ To hiding behind unfamiliar skin/ To singing songs never knowing what they mean/ Now this is the way it was meant to be/ Be still and listen to the rising and falling/ Knowledge is power and I never knew me till now.

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    Seeking support from friends and and family is like having people gathered around at your deathbed. It's nice, but when the ship sails, all they can do is stand on the dock waving goodbye.

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    Seems like we always spend the best part of our time just saying goodbye.

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    People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.

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    Quiet, moving, masterfully crafted. Such are the nine stories in Venus in the Afternoon. Tehila Lieberman writes with precision, restraint, with a compassionate heart. She inhabits her characters, young or old, men or women, honestly, but without judgment, until they rise off the page and stand before us breathing and alive. New York, the Atacama desert, Amsterdam or Cuzco in Peru, the settings in Venus in the Afternoon are just as varied as the lives which they contain. A wonderful collection, one that will stay in your mind long after you have bid it goodbye.

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    Skyler, you are the love of my life, I hope you know that. Walter junior, you're my big man. There are... there are going to be some things, things that you'll come to learn about me in the next few days. I just want you to know that, no matter how it may look, I only had you in my heart. Goodbye.

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    Rest assured that our work is not over because our work has never been only hunting Nazi war criminals. The Simon Wiesenthal Center is an institution, a worldwide institution, engaged in combating anti-Semitism, bigotry, racism. And unfortunately, did we say goodbye to genocide after Hitler died in the bunker? No, we didn't. So in such a world, I'm afraid there will always be a need for organizations like the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

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    So goodbye, I'll be leaving, I see no sense in this crying and grieving. We'll both live a lot longer, if you live without me.

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    Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over.