Best 22 quotes in «everest quotes» category

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    I don't know what being an Everest guide means. I am a coach, not a guide.

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    Everest in his slippers. That's what he was like.

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    Everest you won't change, but I will get better...I will conquer you.

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    Because it is there [famous explanation for wanting to climb Mount Everest].

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    I realised I'd never climb Everest but thought I could still write a book

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    I have climbed Everest from the Nepal route and the China route. The other routes are too hard for me. So I don't think I can climb Everest again.

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    I have lots of other mountains that I would like to climb. I have no dream of Everest, but there are some, like Mount Fuji, I'd like to do.

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    No one remembers who climbed Mount Everest the second time.

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    I soon learned that Everest wasn't a private affair. It belonged to many men.

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    It's all bullshit on Everest these days.

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    The summit of Mount Everest is marine limestone.

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    People will insist on treating the mons Veneris as though it were Mount Everest. Too silly!

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    People do not wander around and then find themselves at the top of Mount Everest.

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    Some day I'm going to climb Everest.

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    Why climb Mount Everest? Because it's there.

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    Looking out of a tent door into a world of snow and vanishing hopes. ~George Mallory

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    - Why do you want to climb Mt. Everest, Sir? - Because it is there.

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    Aí está o nó do dilema que todo alpinista no Everest acaba tendo que enfrentar: para ter sucesso, você precisa estar bastante motivado, mas, se a motivação for excessiva, é provável que você morra.

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    Evenings were peaceful, smoke settling in the quiet air to soften the dusk, lights twinkling on the ridge we would camp on tomorrow, clouds dimming the outline of our pass for the day after. Growing excitement lured my thoughts again and again to the West Ridge…. There was loneliness, too, as the sun set, but only rarely now did doubts return. Then I felt sinkingly as if my whole life lay behind me. Once on the mountain I knew (or trusted) that this would give way to total absorption with the task at hand. But at times I wondered if I had not come a long way only to find what I really sought was something I had left behind.

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    How easily such a thing can become a mania, how the most normal and sensible of women once this passion to be thin is upon them, can lose completely their sense of balance and proportion and spend years dealing with this madness.

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    Mountains are both journey and destination. They summon us to climb their slopes, explore their canyons, and attempt their summits. The summit, despite months of preparation and toil, is never guaranteed though tastes of sweet nectar when reached. If my only goal as a teacher and mountaineer is the summit, I risk cruel failure if I do not reach the highest apex. Instead, if I accept the mountain’s invitation to journey and create meaning in each step, success is manifest in every moment.

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    My Everest is not your Everest. Your Everest is not mine. We all have an Everest. Each of us. Sometimes the peak is literally Mount Everest but most times it lies deep within us, figuratively occupying a mountainous inner space. It calls us to rise up, to do what we formerly labeled as impossible, and to be who we deeply and desperately want to be. I know that I have found an Everest when my soul furiously pokes me repeatedly until I listen. Heeding this call to passionate adventure of any sort initiates a journey of intense immense proportion that changes every molecule of my being.

    • everest quotes