Best 8 quotes in «best person quotes» category

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    The best person to get something done is a busy person.

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    The best person to write for is yourself—and what better place to start than in a journal.

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    What I love about my husband is that he really allows me to be the best person I can.

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    Hardships can harden even the best person.

    • best person quotes
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    I just wanted to thank you," he says, his voice low. "A group of scientists told you that my genes were damaged, that there was something wrong with me - they showed you test results that proved it. And I even started to believe it." He touches my face, his thumb skimming my cheekbone, and his eyes on mine, intense and insistent. "You never believed it," he says. "Not for a second. You always insisted that I was... I don't know, whole." I cover his hand with my own. "Well, you are." "No one has ever told me that before," he says softly. "It's what you deserve to hear," I say firmly, my eyes going cloudy with tears. "That you're whole, that you're worth loving, that you're the best person I've ever known.

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    You've got to be the best person you can be in your life.

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    Be generous and you can be the best person who ever lived.

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    Every day is a reminder of what I need to do to be the best person; the best me.