Best 8 quotes in «financial success quotes» category

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    Don't look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack!

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    I invested. I wanted to cushion the future. Im a financial success!

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    Financial responsibility is a mindset before it is an action. Therefore, if you can change a mindset, the actions follow almost naturally.

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    Happiness is a way of life; not a future destination that you arrive at. A lot of people are often carried away by the thoughts of working hard and having a lot of money in the future. However, this illusion tends to clear off when one finally achieves financial success, but still remains a total stranger to happiness.

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    You do not need to be a millionaire to feel successful or be successful. Financial wealth is only one of many possible indicators of success. However, to achieve your dreams and life goals you’re going to need money. And making it requires financial planning and goalsetting. I do not know of any successful person who has been able to simply ignore their finances.

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    Try not to be like those who hunger for financial success without understanding the difference between their wants and needs.

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    The strength of your personal financial resources is equivalent to the quality of your financial decision making.

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    What was meaningful? What was meaningless? What did it mean, to amount to something? What type of life, was worth living? Was it better, to make a ton of money, and have a fucking goddamn Mercedes, or whatever the fuck kind of car it was, to be a lawyer with a ‘serious’ job, and to have ‘amounted to something,’ or was it better to just be a waiter, and work the evening shift, and have your days free to goof off with your roommates, your friends, to go to meditation, to take some time to reflect, and enjoy life, and to not always be in such a big goddamn rush to get somewhere?