Best 21 quotes in «divine comedy quotes» category

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    Dolce color d’oriental zaffiro, che s’accoglieva nel sereno aspetto del mezzo, puro infino al primo giro, a li occhi miei ricominciò diletto, tosto ch’io usci’ fuor de l’aura morta che m’avea contristati li occhi e ‘l petto.

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    A l'alta fantasia qui mancò possa; ma già volgeva il mio disio e'l velle sì come rota ch'igualmente è mossa, l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle.

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    Amor, ch'a nullo amato amar perdona, mi prese del costui piacer sì forte, che, come vedi, ancor non m'abbandona.

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    ...It is the one time Dante calls such explicit attention to the idea of contrapasso-a word for which we have no exact translation, no precise definition in English, because the word in itself is its definition... Well, my dear Longfellow, I would say countersuffering ... the notion that each sinner must be punished by continuing the damage of his own sin against him... just as these Schismatics are cut apart...

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    Everyone loves a comedy, my dear. It is divine.

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    If you lead me astray, then my wanderings will bring me to my destination.

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    Come on, shake off the covers of this sloth, for sitting softly cushioned, or tucked in bed, is no way to win fame.

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    Midtveges fram i gonga gjennom livet, eg fann meg att i tjukke svarte skogen, i vilska fór eg langt frå rette vegen.

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    lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate" آنکه پا از این در به درون میگذاری دست از هر امیدی بشوی

    • divine comedy quotes
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    Non isperate mai veder lo cielo: i’ vegno per menarvi a l’altra riva ne le tenebre etterne, in caldo e ’n gelo.

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    No, never mind, I didn't think so. Mead, Dante's theme is man-not a man.' Lowell said finally with a mild patience that he reserved only for students. "The Italians forever twitch at Dante's sleeves trying to make him say he is of their politics and their way of thinking. Their way indeed! To confine it to Florence or Italy is to banish it from the sympathies of mankind. We read Paradise Lost as a poem but Dante's Comedy as a chronicle of our inner lives. Do you boys know of Isaiah 38:10

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    To believers, the bible is a holy book, to unbelievers, it is a story book.

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    The writer, having lost his way in a gloomy forest, and being hindered by certain wild beasts from ascending a mountain, is met by Virgil, who promises to show him the punishments of Hell, and afterwards of Purgatory; and that he shall then be conducted by Beatrice into Paradise. He follows the Roman Poet.

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    Thy soul is by vile fear assailed

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    For she doth make my veins and pulses tremble.

    • divine comedy quotes
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    To neglect ones own ability to laugh is the greatest form of Blasphemy, for to laugh is to pray.

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    perhaps the greatest poem ever written

    • divine comedy quotes
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    I found myself within a forest dark.

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    Midway upon the journey of our life

    • divine comedy quotes
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    He is, most of all, l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle.

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    Into the eternal darkness, into fire and into ice.