Best 8 quotes in «lakota quotes» category

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    Non sarà facile per te vivere là fuori, sei lontano da quel mondo da troppo tempo.” Ripensò alle parole che suo nonno gli aveva detto il giorno in cui aveva deciso di lasciare la riserva e non poté far altro che darsi dello stupido per non averle ascoltate. “Qui a pochi importa che il tuo sangue sia mischiato a quello dei wasi’chu, ma laggiù nelle loro città non incapperai che nel disprezzo e non potrai far nulla per nascondere ciò che sei, perché da dove vieni sta scritto sulla tua faccia.

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    Una volta ho sentito Esther raccontarlo a Theresa. Diceva che il cuore fa strani scherzi quando si è innamorati...

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    When the Lakota chief Red Cloud finally quit fighting the intruders, he reportedly told a white delegation, "We didn't need all this land, and neither did you.

    • lakota quotes
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    Crazy Horse was dead. He was brave and good and wise. He never wanted anything but to save his people, and he fought the Wasichus only when they came to kill us in our own country. He was only thirty years old. They could not kill him in battle. They had to lie to him and kill him that way. I cried all night, and so did my father.

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    His own mother’s blood was mixed between her Lakota mother and a French trapper. His father’s family came from Scotland to escape the English. The differences weren’t a problem with his mother’s people but among his father’s there was intolerance and prejudice.

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    Il tempo trascorso ci ha allontanati, ma quando si vuole bene a qualcuno non c’è nulla capace di scalfire i sentimenti.

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    Pain flashed through his eyes. “Dammit, Evie.” Steam huffed against my mouth. “I’m fucking drowning in my desire to be near you, to touch you”—he dropped his brow on mine and inhaled—“to be inside you.” ~ Jesse Beckett

    • lakota quotes
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    For the Lakota there was no wilderness. Nature was not dangerous but hospitable, not forbidding but friendly.