Best 5 quotes in «good dog quotes» category

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    The life of a good dog is like the life of a good person, only shorter and more compressed.

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    Good dogs should never be asked to prove that they're good dogs. If there's anything in this world that we should take on faith, it's good dogs.

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    He could not say “bad dog.” He could not say “good boy.” He could not say anything. Quiet breathed like some darkening monster at the window of Theo’s mind.

    • good dog quotes
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    He had often noticed how important was the phrase good dog in human interaction with dogs. People commonly used it when meeting a dog for the first time-they would bend down, pat the dog on the head, and say "Good dog." Why they should do this was not altogether clear: we do not give moral compliments to other people or creatures we meet-who says "Good cat" when introduced to somebody's cat? That was strange. Perhaps it was because so few cats were good, one view indeed being that cats were inherently psychopathic. They were prepared to engage with humans but only in so far as it suited them to do so; beyond that, such affection as they showed for humans was a calculating cupboard love or, at most, a passing, almost pitying scrap of recognition, withdrawn at the blink of an eyelid.

    • good dog quotes
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    Get a good dog. We have not picked up food in the kitchen in 15 years.