Best 23 quotes in «mississippi quotes» category

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    Although relocating to a state he imagined he'd not even used in a sentence since grade school was not in his life plan, it had seemed like a glittering offer slid across a table off of which he couldn't afford to eat.

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    Between 1882 and 1968, more black people were lynched in MIssissippi than in any other state.

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    And out in the rural, when Mrs. Laura McGhee--who if she thought it necessary, sat on the porch with her Winchester rifle--permitted movement workers to use her farm outside Greenwood for a rally, the sheriff came to warn her against holding it. She told him that *he* was on *her* property, that *he* was trespassing and hadn't ever offered any protection from the terrorists who kept threatening to shoot up her farms, and that he therefore had nothing to offer her now and had better leave, get off her land. And the sheriff left.

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    Humans are aware of very little, it seems to me, the artificial brainy side of life, the worries and bills and the mechanisms of jobs, the doltish psychologies we've placed over our lives like a stencil. A dog keeps his life simple and unadorned.

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    I have learn'd Poppy that people come an' go. Only Jesus is your true friend. And even He had Judas. Git rid of your Judas. Like your sister. Marc has lost his mind. Buying one gift for her an' anoth'r for Cherie. That boy bet'r git himself home. There's ain't no blessing in sin, I tell ya. The devil roams, he prowls Poppy and a man's heart is fertile territory.

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    My rhythm was joined with that of the Mississippi seasons. To change would shift everything inside of me...

    • mississippi quotes
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    In a little while they were kissing. In a little while longer, they made their slow sweet love. The iron bed sounded like a pine forest in an ice storm, like a switch track in a Memphis trainyard, like the sweet electrical thunder of habitual love and the tragical history of the constant heart. Auntee finished first, and then Uncle soon after, and their lips were touching lightly as they did. The rain was still falling and the scritch owl was still asleep and the dragonflies were hidden like jewels somewhere in deep brown wet grasses, nobody knew where. Uncle rolled away from his wife and held onto her hand, never let it go, old friend, old partner, passionate wife.

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    In the 1920s, Jim Crow Mississippi was, in all facets of society, a kleptocracy.

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    Sir Walter Scott created rank & caste in the South and also reverence for and pride and pleasure in them. Life on the Mississippi Don Quixote swept admiration for medieval chivalry-silliness out of existence. Ivanhoe restored it. Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi

    • mississippi quotes
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    Patient: Where is Carey Street? Miss Ida: "Go stand out in the street and you'll find it.

    • mississippi quotes
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    Roy Dale suspected that Mississippi was beautiful. He wasn't sure. He didn't have anything to compare it to. He hadn't even ever been out of the Delta.

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    The sky had cleared, and now the sun was overhead, already baking the wet ground so that you could see the humidity drifting lazily above the cotton stalks.

    • mississippi quotes
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    The moon was obscured by heavy clouds. January was already past the mid-mark and the early delta spring would soon be on them. Already on the night was the faint, fresh smell of buddings and the intimacy that comes from the warm delta air trapped between slumbering earth and lowering clouds.

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    That's the unfortunate part about historical structures in general; however breathtaking they might be, if the walls could talk, they might actually sob.

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    They cried. Yes, yes, they cried. Cried more tears than the Mississippi could hold, but those tears never washed away their faith…

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    I rode on a float in one of the parades in Mississippi. It's an experience.

    • mississippi quotes
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    Then the light changed the water, until all about them the woods in the rising wind seemed to grow taller and blow inward together and suddenly turn dark. The rain struck heavily. A huge tail seemed to lash through the air and the river broke in a wound of silver.

    • mississippi quotes
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    In Mississippi the important thing is hooch, not bar equipment.

    • mississippi quotes
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    Had it not been for James Meredith, who was willing to risk his life, the University of Mississippi would still be all white.

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    I'm from the Mississippi delta originally.

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    She was so Southern that she cried tears that came straight from the Mississippi, and she always smelled faintly of cottonwood and peaches.

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    I see more genuine sociability between the races in Mississippi than I see in Michigan. No question.

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    There are a million Negroes in Mississippi. I think they'll take care of me.