Best 9 quotes in «curiosity killed the cat quotes» category

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    Cats are unpredictable as they don't know what they're going to do next until they make it happen through nosiness, invention, acrobatics, and sheer force of will.

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    Create hell and people will be impatient to get there, just out of curiosity

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    curiosity. In August of 79 A.D., while commanding a fleet in the Bay of Naples, the Roman statesman and author witnessed a volcano erupting nearby and went ahsore to get a closer look. Bad move:he landed barely two miles from Pompeii, the eruption was that of Vesuvius, and within forty-eight hours the poisonous gases it spewed into the atmosphere had killed him'.

    • curiosity killed the cat quotes
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    Remember, curiosity killed the cat." She was wrong of course. Curiosity could never kill this cat. But yes, a pair of beautiful brown eyes could.

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    Fear of curiosity kills the cat ... slowly.

    • curiosity killed the cat quotes
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    More question. You know that curiosity killed the cat?

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    Ten minutes later, I chance a second look. They say curiosity killed the cat. I wonder what that cat was looking at, and was it as interesting as this?

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    What’s the old saying? Ah, I remember now. ‘Curiosity flayed the cat alive, ripped it apart limb from limb, and listened to it scream before it killed it.’ That’s the one.

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    Hang sorrow, care'll kill a cat.