Best 18 quotes in «endless love quotes» category

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    No one can deny, this love I have inside, and I'll give it all to you, my endless love.

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    I love you for unfathomable reasons

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    All life is emptiness. Fill it with endless love, bliss, and kindness.

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    Estella, to the last hour of my life, you cannot choose but remain part of my character, part of the little good in me, part of the evil. But, in this separation I associate you only with the good, and I will faithfully hold you to that always, for you must have done me far more good than harm, let me feel now what sharp distress I may. O God bless you, God forgive you!

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    He will love only once - but it will be for always.

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    I am the slave of the Master of Prophets And my fealty to him has no beginning. I am a slave of his slave, and of his slave’s slave, And so forth endlessly, For I do not cease to approach the door Of his good pleasure among the beginners. I proclaim among people the teaching of his high attributes, And sing his praises among the poets. Perhaps he shall tell me: “You are a noted friend Of mine, a truly excellent beautifier of my tribute.” Yes, I would sacrifice my soul for the dust of his sanctuary. His favor should be that he accept my sacrifice. He has triumphed who ascribes himself to him! - Not that he needs such following, For he is not in need of creation at all, While they all need him without exception. He belongs to Allah alone, Whose purified servant he is, As his attributes and names have made manifest; And every single favor in creation comes from Allah To him, and from him to everything else.

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    I dwell on endless possibilities.

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    My relationship stays strong because I serenade her with my actions and I write poetry in her heart with my deeds. My endless love is expressed with more than just my words; my love is lived as a verb.

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    Love may sometimes be a gift, but you have to earn it to keep it. - Love Wrapped in The Present

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    loving you is like killing myself daily . . . but still i do with the hope that may be after death you will be mine .

    • endless love quotes
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    It was only vanity and discouragement that sometimes made me feel alone with my endless love, but now that I was taking one of the risks my heart had urged upon me I could also feel I was not alone. If endless love was a dream, then it was a dream we all shared, even more than we all shared the dream of never dying or of traveling through time, and if anything set me apart it was not my impulses but my stubbornness, my willingness to take the dream past what had been agreed upon as the reasonable limits, to declare that this dream was not a feverish trick of the mind but was an actuality at least as real as that other, thinner, more unhappy illusion we call normal life. After all, the intimations of endless love were the same now as they were thousands of years before, while normal life had changed a thousand times and in a thousand different ways. Which then, was more real?

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    Life is filled with endless hope.

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    Life is must be filled with endless hope.

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    Tata coboară măsuța, scoate fotografia mamei din buzunar, o așează pe masă, cu fața la fereastră. Își lasă scaunul pe spate și privesc amândoi marea nesfârșită de norișori albi care dispar sub noi, fără să mai scoată un cuvânt tot restul zborului.

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    No love can be endless because no life is endless!

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    Yes You Are! Like the Blossoming rose, Like the Rays of hope. Like a deer in the forest, Like an athlete full of zest. Like a lamp in temple, Like the life feeling ample. Like the feel of the dawn, Like the grace of the swan. Like the melody of sitar, Like the rage of guitar. Like a group of angels in the sky, Like the pot that makes you high. Like the peacock's dance, Like she is the romance. Like the silent talk, Like the wine from Medoc. Like the colors of life, Like the music from the fife. Like the calmness of the cold wind Like the beauty of the hind.

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    I did the occasional odd film, like Endless Love.

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    Happiness is attained, not through self-interest, but through unconditional fidelity in endless love of eternal light.

    • endless love quotes