Best 12 quotes in «money isn't everything quotes» category

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    I learned in school that money isn’t everything. It’s happiness that counts. So momma sent me to a different school.

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    Having money isn't everything, not having it is.

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    Money isn't everything. I've got money and I've got everything, and they're not the same.

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    Money isn't everything, but it is when you start thinking about putting money away for your retirement days.

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    Money isn't everything, Mortimer.

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    Money isn't everything as long as you have enough.

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    Niggas wit no money act like money isn't everything.

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    Once you have money, you can quite truthfully affirm that money isn't everything.

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    Money isn't everything, but lack of money isn't anything.

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    Money isn't everything, but happiness is

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    Money isn't everything but it sure keeps you in touch with your children.

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    You say that money isn't everything, well I'd like to see you live without it.

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