Best 12 quotes in «checkmate quotes» category

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    Seize the outpost K5 with your knight, and you can go to sleep. Checkmate will come by itself.

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    Woe to he who checkmates his opponents at last, only to discover they have been playing cribbage.

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    Mounting tensions in Eastern Europe send shivers down the spine. Barely a quarter of a century after the end of the Cold War we seem to be sliding inexorably towards another.

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    Bad and bad and bad and bad move... and move and move just another checkmate...

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    Divided - No tides of time or distance will wash away your step. It does not fleet as they do, those gladiators and their mighty spears or the beasts that howl into the dark for release. Our story carves deeper, pitilessly, infinitely. A wound that bleeds the ink that stained your palm and the tears of an impossible tomorrow.

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    Tactics and Checkmate in 1 move, show me some interesting stuff about chess... so far I can say that I see the chessboard different.

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    People die from checkmate..., they run and run they are always the figure king, they run and run one of their paths once it's blocked they run and run keep it again a path is blocked they run in this place again and again.... with the time the path goes small and small one moment you have one path and then a other figure comes and it has been blocked by it... so you are killed by this you can't protect yourself. It's the best attack ever made, it's called checkmate!

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    What Will Linger/Hollow of Him - They crept so quietly back. Mere hints of words, at first, then whispers in the loud echoing a winter past. In this place, hollow of Him, his poetry resounded. I could almost taste the fragments of the worlds he had discovered. I remember the ache in his words; you could see each syllable smoulder in his gaze.

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    Man may feel like a feeble and powerless pawn, at some moment in his life. This apprehension can come out of the blue, in the middle of the day, at the center of a public place, like a cerebral attack. Check mated by 'daily routine', he may feel trapped in a smothering set of circumstances and only a deconstruction of all impeding barriers can bring about a vital mental deliverance. ( "Check and mate" )

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    The Offing - And if the sky itself, no matter its hue, were to fracture... What then? Would I then know freedom's name? In my wake lies the shore—a past where I had been happy—refusing to yield to the tide. Before me, upon the horizon, is the sun... hesitant... inert... A new day cannot rise if its ancestor does not fall. Am I but a pawn in this game? I cannot command the sun to set, nor will the moon to take its place and wash the shore away. That power belongs to kings. To drown in the offing. Such sovereign beauty. Such exquisite pain.

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    If I'm too old to be Emo, how do you account for the very Emo and very old Edgar Allan Poe? Checkmate!

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    When she felt the hot creamy chocolate go down her throat and into her stomach some of the tension in her body disappeared. Three long sips later and she felt close to being able to face the day. By the time half the cocoa was gone she was in her special place, the place where everything was fine and she could face anything including Connor and a visit from her dad. By the time she finished the rest of the cocoa she'd be able to keep this calm going for the rest of the day, but of course she needed a second cup.

    • checkmate quotes