Best 6 quotes in «screw you quotes» category

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    That woman was sexy. . . . Out of your league? Son, let women figure out why they won't screw you. Don't do it for them.

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    Nicholas Sarkozy made the point that both America and France have political systems that they want to share with the world. There's an emphasis on being a unique person. Screw you if you don't like it. But the problem is, they're all the same.

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    Screw you and your 38,000 twitter followers!

    • screw you quotes
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    Screw you, I don't hate you I just don't find any good reason to like you.

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    We create the government that screws you, and then you're supposed to thank us for protecting you from it.

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    It's a pretty scary time. So many emotions come up and you don't really have the wisdom to make the right choices. You can really screw yourself in adolescence.