Best 13 quotes in «love and death quotes» category

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    Sex, love and death are universal and timeless dramatic themes.

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    The more one loves, the heavier the meaning of death becomes, and the deeper the sense of loss. Love and death are not different things, they are the front and back of the same thing.

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    What are the sources of poetry? Love and death and the paradox of love and death. All poetry from the beginning is about Eros and Thanatos. Those are the only subjects. And how Eros and Thanatos interweave.

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    Yes, they are carnal, both of them, love and death, and therein lies their terror and their great magic!

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    Are you alone? - Of course. - I thought I heard voices. - I was praying. - I heard two voices. - Oh, well, I do both parts. --Love and Death screenplay

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    What is any of this to us? Time is endless and ours. Love and Death are only the games we play in it.

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    Then he returned to his theme: 'If so many lovers feel the desire to die and more and more die each day, while still in love, it is because love and death are linked by analogies, by underground passages, and communicate. One leads to the other. The one makes the other more acute, more intense. There is no doubt that death is a great stimulant of love. ("Love And Death")

    • love and death quotes
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    If you add the shadow of death to a moment of passion you are in that instant free of all normal ties, your mind grows still and your body enters a state of non-being.

    • love and death quotes
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    Here there is buried legend after legend of youth and melancholy, of savage nights and mysterious bosoms dancing on the wet mirror of the pavement, of women chuckling softly as they scratch themselves, of wild sailors’ shouts, of long queues standing in front of the lobby, of boats brushing each other in the fog and tugs snorting furiously against the rush of tide while up on the Brooklyn Bridge a man is standing in agony, waiting to jump, or waiting to write a poem, or waiting for the blood to leave his vessels because if he advances another foot the pain of his love will kill him.

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    I was walking through the woods, thinking about Christ. If He was a carpenter, I wondered what He charged for bookshelves.

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    Only love and death will change all things.

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    I write of love and death. What other subjects are there?

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    On the streets, unrequited love and death go together almost as often as in Shakespeare.