Best 19 quotes in «toasts quotes» category

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    May the hinges of friendship never rust, or the wings of luve lose a feather.

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    The flame of the inn is dim tonight, Too many vacant chairs. The sun has lost too much of its light, Too many songs have taken flight, Too many ghosts on the stairs. Charon, here's to you as man against man, I wish I could pick 'em the way you can!

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    Tigana, let my memory of you be like a blade in my soul.

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    We drink to those who love us... we drink to those who don't. We drink to those who fuck us... and we fuck to those who won't.

    • toasts quotes
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    May we generally be happy, generally be witty, generally be honest, but above all always be interesting.

    • toasts quotes
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    ...root beer floats are the stuff that toasts are made of.

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    We drink to those who love us, we drink to those who don't. We drink to those who fuck us, and fuck those who don't!

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    We never live so intensely as when we love strongly. We never realize ourselves so vividly as when we are in full glow of love for others.

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    Let's have a toast - to the future generation of consumers, however many heads or assholes they have!

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    Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp no one would eat?

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    This toast feels raw. Is it safe to eat raw toast?

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    God forces us to quantify our religious tenants by measuring them against the family problems they solve. If your religious beliefs aren't solving family problems then something is broke--and it can be fixed. pg iv

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    Here's champagne for our real friends, and real pain for our sham friends.

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    [Hannah:] Here is to Rylie Cates: May your pens never run out of ink, your computer never run out of power, and your brain never run out of brilliant ideas.

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    Claire lifted her glass after everyone had eaten. "Everyone make a toast. To food and flowers," she said. "To love and laughter," Tyler said. "To old and new," Henry said. "To what's next," Evanelle said. "To the apple tree," Bay said.

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    Here's to all the guys better looking than us. May they all die first.

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    I have only one heart to give and one mind to lose. May I someday find a woman who will take them both.

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    I don't know whether Bancroft has mentioned it or not, but I have made him what I consider to be a rather generous offer for Forton Hall.' 'Bravo!' Stephen applauded ... 'Our traveler may begin traveling.' ... 'A toast then,' [Quin] said ... 'to interesting possibilities.' 'To interesting possibilities,' Felicity repeated in unison with the others

    • toasts quotes
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    I wish for you four animals: a mink on the shoulders, a Jaguar in the garage, a tiger in the bedroom, and a jackass to pay for it all. To you!

    • toasts quotes