Best 10 quotes in «overprotective quotes» category

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    As parents we have a tendency to overprotect; it's okay to try and show them all positives but we cannot forget that the real world has teeth

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    My parents were overprotective because you could get kidnapped and bombs were exploding in the streets.

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    That's the trouble with caring about anybody, you begin to feel overprotective. Then you begin to feel crowded.

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    Daniels get your fucking hands off her." I look up at the sound of his deep voice and straight into his eyes, oh shit... Ryan's glaring at me.

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    Looks like she's got a few of the guys interested." Brad throws out "You going to go piss a ring around her so they know she's yours or what?

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    The people of jewel," said Olga Ciavolga,"treat their children like delicate flowers. They think they will not survive without constant protection. But there are parts of the world where young boys and girls spend weeks at a time with no company except a herd of goats. They chase away wolves. They take care of themselves, and they take care of the herd. And so, when hard times come - as they always do in the end - those children are resourceful and brave. If they have to walk from one end of the county to the other, carrying their baby brother and sisters, they will do it. If they have to hide during the day and travel at night to avoid soldiers, they will do it. They do not give up easily." The tunnel took a sharp right-hand turn and, for a moment, the old woman s voice was lost. Something dropped onto Goldie's arm, and she opened her mouth to yelp - and thought of those children carrying their baby brothers and sisters through the night - and closed her mouth and kept going. She rounded the corner in time to hear Olga Ciavolga murmur,"Of course, I am not saying that it is a good thing to give children such heavy responsibility's. They must be allowed to have a childhood. But they must also be allowed to find their courage and their wisdom, and learn when to stand and when to run away. After all, if they are not permitted to climb the trees, how will they ever see the great and wonderful world that lies before them?

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    When her mother combed Harriet's hair, she said that the woods were disgustingly muddy and mosquito-ridden. During her history unit on pioneers, her father bashfully admitted that he couldn't pitch a tent, barbeque, or fight off bears in a forest. They both agreed that such a place was unsafe. Hotels were better.

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    You really have to let me fight my own battles. You can't constantly second-guess me and try to protect me. It's stifling.

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    Batman: What have I told you about trusting dangerous and obsessive criminal geniuses? Wonder Woman: To be fair, you tend to warn everyone about everything. Batman: Point.

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    Devon was madly in love with Kathleen, and along with that came all the jealousy and possessiveness that had plagued generations of Ravenels. While Devon was somewhat more reasonable than the past few earls, that wasn't saying much. Any man who frightened or offended Kathleen would earn his eternal wrath.

    • overprotective quotes