Best 57 quotes in «past lives quotes» category

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    A dreamory is a dream that’s a memory.

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    All my life my heart has sought a thing I cannot name,' the silver boy said, eyes dancing over the horizon. 'But now that I have found it, I am not so sure I can handle knowing it.

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    Achala, worrying and scheming about your next life, before you have even completed this one, is not a good practice." Rinpoche

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    After I was in Idaho, I started to ask my personal Angel, which I believe mine to be Archangel Ariel for a vision of my past life. Before I had a chance to barely finish the sentence, I saw a terrifying image. I saw an Indian woman from the knees down wearing loose pants, running in terror from someone or something. A great fear came over me so strong, I had to stop the image, and almost started shaking. When you remember past life events, you have what they call Cellular Memory. So the fear that I felt was me reliving that moment

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    Birthmarks and freckles or other skin marks come from past life injuries.

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    Any soul wanting an earthly incarnation can only choose a human simply because animals don’t have souls.

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    Don’t cut too deep in your first prints.” “But what if we do dig too deep?” a girl in the front asked. “What happens then?” Giulia reached out to the side, pulling up a print stained with inky shadows, but within its depths, the faint outlines of something else. An echo of what it had been still visible in the second plate. “Cut too deep,” she said, “and your image will keep coming back again and again, no matter how many times you rework it.

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    Dear Judy Blume, why didn’t you write a book about how to survive talking to your centuries-old, super-duper experienced, smoking-hot soul mate about sex for the first time ever? That book would have been extremely helpful in preparing me for this incredibly awkward situation.

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    From stars, he was born, and to stars, he shall return.

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    Have you ever met someone and felt like you’ve known them forever?

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    Christine taught her that the world you inherited didn’t have to be the world you left behind. Nothing was pre-determined. Not even No Man’s Land.

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    Do you have any idea how many lives we must have gone through before we even got the first idea that there is more to life than eating, or fighting, or power in the Flock? A thousand lives, Jon, ten thousand!… We choose our next world through what we learn in this one…

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    Each form is inadequate, like a graft to be rejected by its intractable and unrelenting host and thus can only serve a brief and momentary purpose coherent to a context rooted in contiguous reason. This unbridled brash Spirit is, to itself, burdensome, yet dynamic, for it sees no flaw in working within the confines of a closed system to achieve ends that extend beyond it. This Spirit is, in fact, self-deceptive for to achieve such ends, it becomes necessary to bound manipulable fragments of the Self with a twine by which these parts can be joined indissolubly and maneuvered adroitly with the skill of a marionettist.

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    Even a happiest person have a past they need to hide

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    Every soul comes into a new life with a plan and goals, and then to experience events which will allow it to meet these objectives.

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    I felt like I was living two lives. One in the present and one in the past.

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    If there is anything, a book, a piece of fabric, a flower, whatever, that generates that instant, wow, gut-sinking feeling, that is an acid test that it’s extremely likely to have come from a past-life experience.

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    If the stock market exists, so must previous lives.

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    I hear them say "Why do I miss someone I haven't even met?" How about not missing someone because it feels like they've been with you all along?

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    If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be. ” — Joseph Campbell

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    I looked at Laura . . . and wondered at how many lives before this life we might have known together.

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    It was as if she would never be whole until the secrets of the past were exposed.

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    I do not fear death. I see what has gone before, through eyes that are not of this body. When I dream, my visions are of days yet to be.

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    I remember him as something left behind upon the road of life—as something I have passed, rather than have actually been—and almost think of him as of someone else.

    • past lives quotes
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    Many of the people in this world that you will see and that you will meet, are the versions of themselves that have come about as a result of the things that have happened to them in life. When people laugh at you, you develop a layer of skin for that and when you lose people, you develop a different layer of skin for that and when you are hurt during the times you are vulnerable, there is another special layer of skin for that; so on and so forth. We become covered in layers of different kinds of skin that we never asked to have and that we would never want to have! But there we are, underneath all of that; we walk around and we don't see ourselves, we don't see each other, we can hardly remember anything about who we are! It takes someone to look through all of that skin, to remember yourself on behalf of you. A person can give you the set of eyes that were used to view the real you, in some distant past, in some different lifetime! Then when you see them looking at you like that, you remember who you are and that's when the layers of unwanted skin begin to peel and through that peeling you become a newborn.

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    Moments later, I was climbing nervously into the back of the car. The driver wore the archetypal expression of an antagonist. No words were exchanged beyond the brief lines uttered to this nameless stranger, whose inclinations remained unclear. The car sped along empty roads and traversed dingy alleyways. Music blared from its speakers. I did not remember exhaling throughout the entire journey.

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    It reminded him of the truth—who he really was, and the fact that no matter how far he ran, his past would be right there with him.

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    My past lives alone. That's why my loneliness wants to live in the past

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    No, I’m serious,” he insisted, matching her pace perfectly. “Someone you’ve never met before… but it seems like you have.” Ava slowed slightly and he followed without dropping her eyes. “Like you...” Ava answered. She intended for it to be a question, but it came out as a statement instead, because this was part of what unsettled her about Cole Thomas. The feeling that she knew him somehow, or had known him at some point… and that there was something more to it.

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    No matter how you arrive at the awareness and belief that you've lived before and will live again, the most lasting healing benefit will be the change in your attitude. You are creating your future lives right at this moment, and every moment of decision-making.

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    Phobias result from past life experiences. Many people have phobias about snakes, about heights or enclosed spaces and all of these absolutely come from past-life experiences which are not necessarily bad experiences.

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    Oh Love, whenever I hear your name, I hear the heartbeat of every lifetime all at once. I feel the heartbeat of the universe the way I get extreme earthquake shocks but completely safe

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    People from the past, have a tendency to walk back into the present, and run over the future.

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    So I'm up the ghostie creek without an EMF meter

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    Souls up here will decide whether they want to incarnate into a human earthly life or whether they want to experience an existence on another galaxy or star system somewhere else.

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    Spirit guides may be souls who you had shared past lives with and with whom you had had good experiences. They may also be angels, archangels, ascended masters or other senior beings whose role through all eternity is to be a spirit guide.

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    Reincarnation isn't something in which I choose to believe but rather a truth I accept. Most people will never know the meaning of their friendships, passions, choices and even challenges. I embrace them, knowing that there’s always a perfect correlation between everything, including between us and the ones that love us and betray us at the end. That’s how I know I’m almost never traveling somewhere but returning, or not meeting someone but fixing the past, or facing a challenge but ending a karmic cycle. If I was a Buddhist Monk, a Scottish Doctor, a French Monarch, or a Spanish Templar, none of that really matters, not as much as what I experienced and believed during that time, not as much as what I did ten years ago or what I believed during my childhood, not as much as who I am now and what I can do with my life at present time.

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    The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry lifetime after lifetime.

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    The present defines the future. The future builds on the foundation of the past.

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    The soul permeates every cell, every atom and the space within and between the atoms, between the electrons and the other components. All through from your toenails to the tips of your hair.

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    The vision may be the destination but the journey began with a past which will stay connected whatever the sages may say against it - there is always a hyperlink.

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    The written word is the greatest sacred documentation.

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    The way our fingers intertwine feels so natural and right; as if our hands hold memories of meeting in a thousand other lifetimes.

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    They stared at each other. Every ocean, every river, every minute they had walked together was in their gaze. He said nothing and she said nothing. She kneeled by him, her hands on him, on his chest, on his heart, on his lungs that took air in but could not move air out, on his open wound; her eyes were on him, and in their eyes was every block of uncounted, unaccounted-for time, every moment they had lived since June 22, 1941, the day war started for the Soviet Union. Her eyes were filled with everything she felt for him. Her eyes were true.

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    To the Angels, and all that is good in this world, I pray that my son will be strong. He will find the strength to stand up to his father, and he will learn forgiveness in that strength. He will find his love and never let go, no matter what force may forbid them. I pray that love will meet and it will prevail, that it will climb to the highest peak and not fall to it’s death. It will stand high and strong, and no matter the storms that come its way, will never crack or splinter or break. I promise myself and all that I care about, that this will be so.

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    We are all simply reacting, played by events that occurred centuries before.

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    We are all one. Everything is meaningless, and yet at the same time meaningful. Everything matters and doesn’t matter just as much," Wisdom said and looked beyond time.(Nakoma, by Gala.J)

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    We are not even a speck of dust in the cells of the Cosmos."-Han Storm

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    ...we lay there in the dark for a split second before the beast galumphed toward us. Meabh, always quick with a sword, sprang to her feet and charged the dragon head-on while I mostly just wondered who or what I'd offended in a past life that this one was peopled by dragons. Except I didn't have any past lives, so apparently I'd offended somebody in this life and was facing instant karma. That didn't really improve anything, in my ever so humble opinion.

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    What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now.

    • past lives quotes