Best 6 quotes in «gay love quotes» category

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    His hands were magnets—shifting polarities—drawn and repelled to the unknown parts of another man's body.

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    Lembra quando você dizia que às vezes 1+1 pode ser 1? Eu te entendo agora. Mas somos menos que um. Somos uma equação de divisões e saldos negativos.

    • gay love quotes
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    It started to rain suddenly and ferociously as they pulled up in front of Rose’s house. A mist covered the truck. It was as if a fire hose had opened up on the dusty, dry earthen roads. The smell of moist earth and damp, pungent flowering trees gave off the last bit of heat from the former Carolina summer sun of a few minutes ago. Now cooled suddenly by the rainwater, an immediate fog to rose off the hot metal of the truck and the soil. It was impossible to see more than a few feet in the formidable rain and sudden fog. Rose pulled Carmen to her and wrapped herself around her, one hand playing around through her T as she kissed her, one hand pushing gently at her pants.

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    In the end and in the beginning, there was only love. But more, obviously...intelligence, wit, laughter, touch, wisdom, much more.

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    Touching her fingers, touching skin to skin. Her mouth, her breath, the shape of her flushed face. A tender hand on a naked waist, exploring the new feelings. The inner-soul scent of her hair, burying your mind in it. Inside of me, always inside of me. Memorizing the feelings and perfumes. Something one can keep. Carmen thought, Trust… Something growing. Something true. Something reaching out.

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    Nasze życie rodzinne,prawo naszych domów,nie przypomina ani trochę waszych domów.Kochamy się,ale jest to miłość bez miłości

    • gay love quotes