Best 8 quotes in «e quotes» category

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    If you read good books, you will be well-informed.

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    Alan Rittenhouse: I know you're just a reporter, but you used to be a person, right?

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    Me dendin me lakra, gatuar me çaj, Fryhu bark, fryhu, pelcit,.s'te kam faj! ("kenge burgu")

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    Qarjet e të rriturve ishin si një katastrofë mistike, diçka si lotët që derdh Zoti për ligësinë e njerëzve.

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    O que é se entrega ao que está prestes a ser: tudo, tudo verte em uma arte fractal: pequeninos sonhos como as bases do meu dna.

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    What is your name? E. Just E.

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    ... P doth protest to much. It would be one thing if P were merely silent about Midian. But P is hostile to Midian. Its author tells a story of a complete massacre of the Midianites. He wants no Midianites around. And he especially wants no Midianite women around. This author buried the Moses-Midian connection. We can know why he did this. Practically all critical scholars ascribe this Priestly work to the established priesthood at Jerusalem. For most of the biblical period, that priesthood traced its ancestry to Aaron, the first high priest. It was a priesthood of Levites, but not the same Levites who gave us the E text. Some, including me, ascribe the E text to Levites who traced their ancestry to Moses. These two Levite priestly houses, the Aaronids and the Mushites, were engaged in struggles for leadership and in polemic against each other. The E (Mushite) source took pains, as we have seen to connect Moses' Midianite family back to Abraham. That is understandable. E was justifying the Mushite Levites' line in Israel's history. And it is equally understandable why their opponents, the Aaronids, cast aspersions on any Midianite background. That put a cloud over any Levites, or any text, that claimed a Midianite genealogy. We all could easily think of parallel examples in politics and religion in history and today.

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    The highest knowledge is still no match for the lowest wisdom.