Best 57 quotes in «anna karenina quotes» category

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    When they returned to Filigree Street, Mori refused even to go upstairs. Instead he hid under a quilt in the parlour with Thaniel's never-read copy of Anna Karenina. The Russians, he said, knew how to write genuinely boring novels, and he would only stop being afraid when he was bored enough. They were all the more boring because he could remember reading the end in the recent future.

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    With six children Darya Alexandrovna could not be calm. One got sick, another might get sick, a third lacked something, a fourth showed signs of bad character, and so on, and so on. Rarely, rarely would there be short periods of calm. But these troubles and anxieties were for Darya Alexandrovna the only possible happiness. Had it not been for them, she would have remained alone with her thoughts of her husband, who did not love her. But besides that, however painful the mother's fear of illnesses, the illnesses themselves, and the distress at seeing signs of bad inclinations in her children, the children repaid her griefs with small joys. These joys were so small that they could not be seen, like gold in the sand, and in her bad moments she saw only griefs, only sand; but there were also good moments, when she saw only joys, only gold. Now, in her country solitude, she was more aware of these joys. Often, looking at them, she made every possible effort to convince herself that she was mistaken, that as a mother she was partial to her children; all the same, she could not but tell herself that she had lovely children, all six of them, each in a different way, but such as rarely happens -- and she was happy in them and proud of them.

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    Why do you need to be like anyone? You're good as you are,

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    Yes, I suppose so," answered Anna, as though wondering at the boldness of his question; but the irrepressible, quivering brilliance of her eyes and her smile set him on fire as she said it.

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    Yaşam tarzım, sizin hoşunuza gidebilir ya da gitmeyebilir, ama benim için hiç fark etmez, beni tanımak istiyorsanız saygı göstermek zorundasınız" anlamı taşıyan soğuk ve mağrur bir tavır takınmıştı.

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    All families are happy, all families are alike.

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    All happy families are alike

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    Hayatının bütün izleri sanki ona sarılmış şöyle diyordu: "Hayır, bizi bırakıp gitmeyeceksin, başka birisi olmayacaksın, nasılsan öyle kalacaksın: Kuşkularınla, kendinden sonsuz hoşnutsuzluğunla, sonuçsuz kalan kendini düzeltme deneyimlerinle, yaşadığın düşüşlerle ve senin için olanaksız, sana nasip olmayacak sonsuz bir mutluluk beklentisiyle.

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    Anna had been preparing herself for this meeting, had thought what she would say to him, but she did not succeed in saying anything of it; his passion mastered her. She tried to calm him, to calm herself, but it was too late. His feeling infected her. Her lips trembled so that for a long while she could say nothing.

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    El respeto lo han inventado para llenar un vacio donde debiera estar el Amor

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    Between Countess Nordston and Levin there had been established those relations, not infrequent in society, in which two persons, while ostensibly remaining on friendly terms, are contemptuous of each other to such a degree that they cannot even treat each other seriously and cannot even insult each one another.

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    Blessed are the peacemakers; theirs is the kingdom of heaven

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    Böyle işte, diyordu. Dostumuz Konstantin Dmitriç ne yetenekli bir gençti. Oysa şimdi nerede o eski Konstantin Dmitriç! O zamanlar bilimi de severdi. Üniversiteden çıktığında insanlara özgü düşünceleri vardı. Şimdi ise yeteneklerinin yarısı kendi kendini aldatmaya, öteki yarısı da bu aldatışı haklı göstermeye yönelmiş durumda. iletişim yayınları. syf :441.

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    But that's the whole aim of civilization: to make everything a source of enjoyment.

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    Death, the inevitable end of everything, confronted him for the first time with irresistible force. And that Death which was present in this dear brother (who, waking up, moaned and by habit called indiscriminately on God and on the devil) was not so far away as it hitherto seemed to be. It was within himself to- he felt it. If not today, then tomorrow or thirty years hence, was it not all the same? But what that inevitable Death was, he not only did not know, not only had never considered, but could not and dared not consider.

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    El respeto lo han inventado para llenar un vacio debiera estar el Amor

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    Anna Karenina is sheer perfection as a work of art. No European work of fiction of our present day comes anywhere near it. Furthermore, the idea underlying it shows that it is ours, ours, something that belongs to us alone and that is our own property, our own national 'new word'or, at any rate, the beginning of it.

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    Everything was made bright by her. She was the smile that shed light all around her.

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    Fiecăruia i se pare că viața lui e cea adevărată, iar viața pe care o duce prietenul său este deșartă.

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    Hard as Stepan Arkadyich tried to be a solicitous father and husband, he never could remember that he had a wife and children.

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    He [Vronsky] himself felt that, except that crazy fellow married to Kitty Shcherbatsky, who, quite irrelevantly had with rabid virulence told him a lot of pointless nonsense, every nobleman whose acquaintance he had made had become his partisan.

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    He understood that feeling of Levin's so well, knew that for Levin all the girls in the world were divided into two classes: one class included alll the girls in the world except her, and they had all the usual human failings and were very ordinary girls; while the other class - herself alone - had no weaknesses and was superior to all humanity.

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    If he had a reason for preferring Liberalism to the Conservatism of many in his set, it was not that he considered Liberalism more reasonable, but because it suited his manner of life better.

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    He was afraid of defiling the love which filled his soul.

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    I think that to find out what love is really like, one must first make a mistake and then put it right.

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    If you can forgive me, forgive me,’ said her eyes, ‘I am so happy.’ ‘I hate them all, and you, and myself,’ his eyes responded.

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    İsviçre dağlarındakine benzeyen o mavi sisi anımsıyor ve biliyorum. Bu sis, çocukluğun bitmek üzere olduğu o kaygısız dönemde her şeyin üstünü kaplar ve o çok büyük, mutlu, neşeli dairenin içinden gittikçe daralan bir yol çıkar, ışıklı ve güzel görünse de bu dar yola girmek hem keyifli, hem de müthiş bir şeydir.

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    intriguing people have to invent a noxious, dangerous party...

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    I see that my presence is burdensome to you. Painful as it was for me to become convinced of it, I see that it is so and cannot be otherwise. I do not blame you, and God is my witness that, seeing you during your illness, I resolved with all my soul to forget everything that had been between us and start a new life. I do not repent and will never repent of what I have done; but I desired one thing - your good, the good of your soul - and now I see that I have not achieved it. Tell me yourself what will give you true happiness and peace in your soul. I give myself over entirely to your will and your sense of justice.

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    I've always loved you, and when you love someone, you love the whole person, just as he or she is, and not as you would like them to be.

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    it's much better to do good in a way that no one knows anything about it.

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    I’ve never seen exquisite fallen beings, and I never shall see them, but such creatures as that painted Frenchwoman at the counter with the ringlets are vermin to my mind, and all fallen women are the same.’ ‘But the Magdalen?’ ‘Ah, drop that! Christ would never have said those words if He had known how they would be abused. Of all the Gospel those words are the only ones remembered.

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    Lord have mercy! Pardon and help us!" he repeated the words that suddenly and unexpectedly sprang to his lips. And he, an unbeliever, repeated those words not with his lips only. At that instant he knew that neither his doubts nor the impossibility of believing with his reason- of which he was conscious- all prevented his appealing to God. It all flew off like dust. To whom should he appeal, if not to Him in whose hands he felt himself, his soul, and his love, to be?

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    Lumea exterioară rezultă din senzații.

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    Lumea eterioară rezultă din senzații.

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    My writing is like those little carved baskets made in prisons…

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    Now every time he turned to her, he bent his head, as though he would have fallen at her feet, and in his eyes there was nothing but humble submission and dread. 'I would not offend you' his eyes seemed every time to be saying, 'but I want to save myself, and I don't know how.

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    Ona ništa ne radi, i sasvim je zadovoljna." Ljevin je to u duši osuđivao; a još nije poimao da se ona baš sprema za period rada koji za nju mora nastupiti, kada će istovremeno biti i žena svoga muža, i domaćica u kući, i kada će nositi, hraniti i vaspitavati decu. On nije poimao da ona to zna čulom, i spremajući se za taj strašni posao ne ukorava sebe za trenutke bezbrižnosti i ljubavne sreće kojima se sada veselo koristi dok svija svoje buduće gnezdo.

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    Todas as mulheres são mais materialistas do que os homens. Nós fazemos do amor algo enorme, mas elas sempre se mantém ‘terre-à-terre’.

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    What is the matter with you?" asked Shcherbatsky. "Nothing much, but there is little to be happy about in this world." "Little? You'd better come with me to Paris instead of going to some Mulhausen or other. You'll see how jolly it will be!" "No, I have done with that; it is time for me to die." "That is a fine thing!" said Shcherbatsky, laughing. "I am only just beginning to live." "Yes, I thought so too till lately; but now I know that I shall soon die." Levin was saying what of late he had really been thinking. He saw death and the apprroach of death in everything; but the work he had begun interested him all the more. After all, he had to live his life somehow, til death came. Everything for him was wrapped in darkness; but just because of the darkness, feeling his work to be the only thread to guide him through the darkness, he seized upon it and clung to it with all his might.

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    I will still get angry at Ivan the coachman, I will still argue, I will express my thoughts ineptly, there will be a wall between the holy of holies of my soul and other people, even my wife; I will still blame her for my own terror and then repent of it, I will still not understand with my reason why I pray, and will go on praying - but my life now, my whole life, regardless of whatever may happen to me, each minute of it, is not only not meaningless, as it were before, but possesses the undoubted meaning of that goodness I have the power to put into it!

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    Live in the needs of the day.

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    Ninguém está satisfeito com os bens que possui, mas todos estão satisfeitos com a inteligência que têm.

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    Oblonsy was fond of a pleasant joke, and sometimes liked to perplex a simple-minded man by observing that if you're going to be proud of your ancestry, why stop short at Prince Rurik and repudiate your oldest ancestor - the ape?

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    Oh, it's wonderful to be your age,' continued Anna. 'I know and remember that blue haze, like you see on the mountains in Switzerland. The haze covering everything at that blessed point when your childhood is coming to an end, and the path leading from that huge, carefree, happy circle becomes narrower and narrower, and it is both jolly and terrifying entering that enfilade, even though it is bright and beautiful...Who has not been through that?

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    Our life has been joined, not by man, but by God. That union can only be severed by a crime, and a crime of that nature brings its own chastisement.

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    Pero él no lo creía, porque juzgaba a los demás por sí mismo.

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    Qualquer que seja ou venha a ser o nosso destino, somos nós que o fazemos, e não nos lamentamos.

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    Saygıyı, sevginin olması gereken yerdeki boşluğu saklamak için uydurmuşlar.

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    Scese, evitando di guardarla a lungo, come si fa col sole; ma vedeva lei, come si vede il sole, anche senza guardare.