Best 1752 quotes in «lovers quotes» category

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    My fans are my lovers, my friends, my family, my Everything

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    My mother was my first jealous lover.

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    My own observation is: lovers don't surrender to each other, they surrender to something unknown that exists between them. They surrender to love - call it the 'god of love' - they both surrender to the god of love. Hence nobody's ego is fulfilled by your surrender; both the egos disappear in love.

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    My parents were music lovers and collectors. It was around.

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    Naked in front of strangers? I can barely be naked in front of my lovers; in front of myself.

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    No lover ever studied every whim of his mistress as I did those of President Roosevelt.

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    Nature has made a pebble and a female. The lapidary makes the diamond, and the lover makes the woman.

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    Nobody gets to say who we love, or who we lay down beside, or take as our husband, lover, life, or bride. Nobody gets to decide what's for some, that others should hide. Pride. Nobody gets to choose but YOU.

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    No oath can be too binding for a lover.

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    No riches from his scanty store / My lover could impart; / He gave a boon I valued more - / He gave me all his heart!

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    No sacrifice which a lover would make for his beloved is too great for us to make for our enemy.

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    ... nothing, of course, is ever so strange as love to the one who is not a lover.

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    No one, not even lovers, are truly psychic, and everyone flounders around each other, misunderstanding, misinterpreting, sending out confusing signals.

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    Now they are lovers. The first, wild courses are ended. They have founded their domain. A satanic happiness follows.

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    Nature had gathered her choicest treasures , to draw her lovers into close and confiding communion with her

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    Nothing so lowers a lover in a virile maiden's estimation, than for him to be 'whipped' in a personal encounter with a rival.

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    O dreamers of peace, come. Let us walk together. O lovers of peace, come. Let us run together. O servers of peace, come. Let us grow together.

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    Of all affliction taught a lover yet, 'Tis true the hardest science to forget.

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    Of course they fought as lovers must do to find a liveable space.

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    O felt that her mouth was beautiful, since her lover condescended to thrust himself into it . . .

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    Often you don't know whether a woman is friend, enemy or lover until it is too late. Sometimes, she is all three.

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    Oh, stay, sweet warbling woodlark, stay, Nor quit for me the trembling spray, A hapless lover courts thy lay, Thy soothing, fond complaining.

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    Now piercèd is her virgin zone; She feels the foe within it. She hears a broken amorous groan, The panting lover's fainting moan, Just in the happy minute.

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    O! Lover, Enjoyment on the soft body of a lotus is always risky and inconsistent because its route is always surrounded by thorns.

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    Oleander time, she said. Lovers who kill each other now will blame it on the wind.

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    One can be a soldier without dying and a lover without sighing.

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    One may like the love and despise the lover.

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    One must be rich in thought and character to owe nothing to books.

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    One of the gifts one movie lover can give another is the title of a wonderful film they have not yet discovered

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    Only lovers know the value and magnanimity of truth.

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    Our imagination is struck only by what is great; but the lover of natural philosophy should reflect equally on little things.

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    Our tongues, fluent in lover's kiss.

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    Our souls, shame-wounded by our sins, cling to us yet more, a woman to her lover clinging, the more the more.

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    Out of sight, out of mind' applies with even greater force to entertainers than to lovers.

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    Outside major darkness where the circle is complete there's no fear that lovers born will ever fail to meet

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    Over the meeting of the lovers I draw a veil. The burst of rapture with which they clasped each other in a wild embrace -- the many inquiries -- the fond regrets and thrilling hopes -- it is out of my power to convey. Let me, therefore, leave them to their happiness.

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    Perhaps if they had stayed together longer, Sabina and Franz would have begun to understand the words they used. Gradually, timorously, their vocabularies would have come together, like bashful lovers, and the music of one would have begun to intersect with the music of the other. But it was too late now.

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    Radical Islam and US exceptionalism are in bed with each other. They're like lovers, methinks.

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    Philosopher: A lover of wisdom, which is to say, Truth.

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    Poor maids have more lovers than husbands.

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    Quotation lovers love rare words.

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    Say, ‘Thank you, Phin.’ ” “Oh, please.” “Say, Thank youvery much, Phin. ” “I don’t think so.” “Say, ‘You are a great lover, Phin.’ ” “I’m out of here.

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    Nudity is the costume of lovers and corpses.

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    Red roses for young lovers. French beans for longstanding relationships

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    Relaxing, embracing, surrendering, trusting - these are the only tools of a lover of truth. So, turn from warrior into a lover.

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    Say the whole point of love is to try to get your fingers through the holes in the lover's mask. To get some kind of hold on the mask, and who cares how you do it.

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    She had been looking all along for a friend, and it took her a while to discover that a lover was not a comrade and could never be - for a woman. And that no one would ever be that version of herself which she sought to reach out to and touch with an ungloved hand. There was only her own mood and whim, and if that was all there was, she decided to turn the naked hand toward it, discover it and let others become as intimate with their own selves as she was.

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    She looked at me like I was crazy. Most of my lovers do, and that's partly why they love me, and partly why they leave

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    She's married. I'm more a friend and occasional lover.

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    Singing is a lover's thing.