Best 8 quotes in «bromance quotes» category

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    We would never go shopping together or eat an entire cake while we complained about men. He'd never invite me over to his house for dinner or a barbecue. We'd never be lovers. But there was a very good chance that one of us would be the last person the other saw before we died. It wasn't friendship the way most people understood it, but it was friendship. There were several people I'd trust with my life, but there is no one else I'd trust with my death. Jean-Claude and even Richard would try to hold me alive out of love or something that passed for it. Even my family and other friends would fight to keep me alive. If I wanted death, Edward would give it to me. Because we both understand that it isn't death that we fear. It's living.

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    All my life, since I came to the institute, you were the mirror of my soul. I saw the good in me in you. In your eyes alone I found grace, When you are gone from me, who will see me like that? There was a silence then, Jem stood as still as a statue. With his gaze WIll searched for, and found, the parabatai rune on Jem's shoulder; like is own, it had faded to a pale white. At last Jem spoke. The cool remoteness had left his voice. Will breathed in hard, remembering how much that voice had shaped the years of his growing up, its steady kindness a lighthouse beacon in the dark. "Have faith in yourself. You can be your own mirror".

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    I didn't call you because I'm tired of you only wanting me around when you need something. I'm tired of watching you be in love with someone else - someone, incidentally, who will never love you back. Not the way I do.

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    _I_ boil it." Joseph entered last, closing the door behind them. "Last time, you burnt it." Connor glared at Joseph. "We were attacked! What would you have me tell the Abenaki? 'I cannae fight just now. I'm makin' candy. Would you like a wee taste?

    • bromance quotes
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    - A ty? Ty nie miewasz już snów? - Miewam - powiedział z goryczą. - Ale od przekroczenia Jarugi bardzo rzadko. I w ogóle ich nie pamiętam po przebudzeniu. Coś się we mnie skończyło, Cahir. Coś się wypaliło. Coś się we mnie urwało... - To nic, Geralt. Ja będę śnił za nas obu.

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    If I’m going to be ruled by a high-minded pretty-faced troll, it might as well be you.” “I’m glad to hear it,” I said, trying not to smile. “Who knows what would happen to my ego if you decided to abandon me.

    • bromance quotes
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    Don't give in, Alex, don't let them win. You beat them once and you can do it again. Don't let this place break you. Keep your mind busy, keep yourself occupied, find things to do. If you're doing things, then you still exist, right?

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    Plentiful pleases, my pretty pontificating prince?” He bent down and nudged Beckett’s nose with his.