Best 5 quotes in «elven quotes» category

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    London was littered with social clubs and houses of chance, but Malfeasance was not just any gaming hell. It was located in the most notorious part of London and, Graydon had heard, was run by a pariah Djinn named Malphas.

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    Almost as if speaking to herself, she continued, I would love to fly. I've always wondered what it be like to have that sense of freedom. A wistful note in her voice tugged at something deep inside him.He replied. I couldn't conceive of living without it. I can't imagine being forever grounded.

    • elven quotes
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    I can't mate with you and hope to live.

    • elven quotes
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    She paused and unexpectedly stroked her fingers down the feathers of his neck. He froze. She couldn't know how intimate that seemed, or how sensitive he was to her touch even through the sleek covering of eagle feathers. Pleasure at being petted ran down his spine. He should say something or step away. He did neither. Instead, ever so slightly, he leaned into her touch. It was wrong of him, but his wrong button seemed to be broken, and he didn't care.

    • elven quotes
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    There is a kind of wisdom that grows in the heart from living in places such as you have been. It builds integrity and strong character. ~Then'diel